Day 29; What I have learnt this past month

Well ok, really can’t be bothered with this question but I’ll give it a go!

  • I have learn’t that I like it when people give me a real answer to a question, make up their mind and don’t change it.
  • I have learnt that I can enjoy exercise.
  • I have learn’t that I can enjoy some healthier foods.
  • I have learn’t that shower caps are a fantastic invention when you start exercising and have longish hair that takes ages to dry.
  • I have learn’t how to plaster cast boobs, and that you get cold and bored whilst doing so. (More on this in a future post).
  • I have learn’t that I can start assignments before the day before they are due, however I don’t get much done so am better to leave it till the last minute as per usual.
  • I have learn’t that my exams are not on the same day like I thought they were – lucky I re-read the admission slip or I would be screwed and would have missed an exam.
  • I have learn’t that I badly need new running shoes as my ankles and knees are starting to hurt.
  • I have learnt that there is such a thing as eating for your blood type, and am going to look further into this when I find out what my blood type is.
  • I have learn’t I am happiest when I have lots of things to do.

I have learn’t that I am sick of this post 🙂


2 thoughts on “Day 29; What I have learnt this past month

    1. Seriously they are a friggen awesome invention! I never cared much for them before I started exercising, but now they are my new best friend!

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