Dear Mum & Dad
There are so many things I am grateful to both of you for and there is no way I could ever write down absolutely everything.
However I wanted to let you know the thing I am the most grateful for…
That fact that you were not afraid to say;
Now that is good parenting! Even through the teenage tanty’s that Dan and I almost certainly threw. It has shaped me as a person for the better and I thank you so much for it! We always got the things we needed not the things we wanted, although on occasion we did get a couple of the things we wanted. As you are aware I have seen the flip side to your parenting and it does not impress me one little bit, kids who get everything they want, yeah sure it makes them happy now but they will forever be the bank to their kids.
It has also indirectly taught me that material things are just that, they are material, they give you a small amount of happiness in exchange for your time and money. We had an amazing childhood doing mostly free activities, summers were spent where everyday we would go to the beach most of the day, build a snail farm out the front and make sherbert, rather than going to the shopping mall and spending a small fortune on clothes and junk that really do not make you that happy.
This is very ranty but I feel you guys made me realise the importance of the journey of life, that people and activities are what matters more than the size of the t.v you have etc.
I hope that I can eventually be even half as strong and loving as you two were to us when I am finally blessed with a child.
I would do anything for you two as I know you would do for me, sometimes we don’t say it as often as we should I LOVE YOU!