Well this is interesting, was tempted to pass on this one as well but hey why not give it a go.
A combination of these things are what make me different!
I don’t understand the 9-5 for 40 years mentality, can be a sarcastic bitch, shy yet don’t let people walk all over me when I believe in something, will crack up laughing at random crap, motivated when I believe in something, like motorsport – wish I could afford to race again, slightly geekish when it comes to computers, favourite shot is a ‘quick f**k’, I have slightly old school views on occasion but new school on others, and travel is like my drug!
That’s all kids, can’t be bothered writing anything else.
Quick fuck is my absoloute favourite shot. Pretty much only one I drink.. unless I’m really drunk, then I’ll attempt tequila. There’s a cool bar in town that has a whole range o shots, and they’re only $4! Think it may be a stop on our tweetup meetup
My girl flatmate loves them as well, whenever we make punch we have lots of Quick fucks, A M A Z I N G!
Ick Tequila! Only do that when really drunk and must go the full hog with salt & lemon. I’m also quiet partial to Jager shots but I much prefer Jager bombs – drunk slowly of course, I like to savour the yumness!
I’e never tried jager bombs, but I have every intention to! I have just not yet had the chance. I think we should that to our to do list also!
I have jager bombs when I get home from work sometimes, its my ‘wine’ lol! Yum Yum!!