Banana Bread – Grain Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free!

There is something about the smell of banana bread baking that makes me feel awesome. The delicate smell of banana’s and cinnamon start to get the tummy excited for what is coming. 

With the growing number of ailments and intolerances it is nice to find some recipes which almost everyone can eat. Being grain free, sugar free and dairy free is definitely a bonus for this Banana Bread recipe.

It is quite sweet and tastes a bit like a cake but has good enough ingredients that you could easily have a slice for breakfast with no worries, in fact we did! Combined with some stewed apples and pears and some home made yoghurt.

The b/f is to thank for this recipe (just like the ever popular snickers cups) as he came across it one evening and showed it to me. I have adapted it ever so slightly and made a smaller loaf as I had already made some other ‘treats’ that weekend so we didn’t need too much.

The beauty of recipes like this is that you can have different add in’s depending on your preferences and what you have in the pantry. Feel like a little bit of chocolate substitute the sultanas for a few chocolate chips. Don’t like sultana’s just leave them out completely!

[yumprint-recipe id=’3′]Are you a banana bread fan? What baked goods do you love the smell of?

5 thoughts on “Banana Bread – Grain Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free!

  1. This looks amazing!! I am a sucker for Banana bread/cakes/muffins… pretty much anything that has banana in it! Not a fan of sultanas, so I’d probably leave that out – but I can definitely see myself giving this recipe a go!

    Also just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award” over on the blog. It’s just a fun little way of sharing the love amongst my fave bloggers. 🙂 oxo

    1. I hate regular banana’s (weird I know), but LOVE banana bread/cakes/muffins as well. I’m not huge on sultanas either (they are my partners fave things ever though – also weird I know!), it would be just as good without. The recipe is only for a small serving size as well which is quite good then you don’t end up eating it all!

      Oh wow thank you so much, am going to have a look at it now 🙂

  2. Yum! I do love banana bread. I’ve never tried it with coconut flour though. I normally use a mix of spelt and almond flour which works well. Is coconut flour as difficult to cook with as I’ve read on some blogs or is it just a matter of having the right recipe?

    1. I have found the coconut flour ok so far you just need to use a lot less than standard flour and make sure you have plenty of liquid, usually double the eggs from standard seems to work. I’ve never tried the Spelt flour before, how easy is that to use?

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