5 Ingredient Easy Chocolate Mint Bliss Balls

I have recently been lucky enough to upgrade my food processor as my old one was totalled – the motor still worked but the bowl was completely cracked all the way down the side and even on the bottom, it made it a pain in the butt to try to use as I would fear any liquids going into it as they would slowly seep out the cracks.

I am now the proud owner of the Russell Hobbs Colour Control Multi-Food Processor which I am loving so far and you can look forward to recipes using the multi-food processor on the blog at least once per a month. I have so many ideas of things to make and I have even forced myself to have some savoury ideas as I don’t want too feed my sweet tooth too much even if it is on clean foods.


I have made protein truffles in the past and this time around wanted to make something that didn’t include protein powder as I know this isn’t an ingredient that most people have in their houses.  I had a think about what we had in the pantry as well as what flavours I really love together.

I knew the first bliss balls to be made in the new multi-food processor would have to be chocolate based, and what goes best with chocolate? Mint… Second best I would have to say would most likely be orange and chocolate.

So the Chocolate Mint Bliss Balls were born, with only 5 ingredients – most of which you will have in your pantry (or should have as they can be the base for so many clean sweet treats!) – you can have your own Chocolate Mint Bliss Balls within a few minutes.

Five Ingredient

Chocolate Mint Bliss Balls

1 Cup of dried dates
1 Cup mixed nuts (I used cashews and almonds)
1/2 Cup coconut chips or shredded coconut
1/2 Cap peppermint essence
3 Tablespoons Cacao powder w/ maca (Can be swapped for cocoa powder or plain Cacao powder if this is what you have)

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1. Boil the jug and soak the dates in a bowl or cup.

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2. Measure out and add the remainder of the ingredients to your Food processor.
3. Once the dates have softened (a few minutes) add them to the food processor (just the dates not the water).
4. Process until everything is chopped up, the mixture should feel a bit sticky and hold together when you press it between two fingers. – If it is too dry add a little of the date water, if it is too wet and won’t hold together add some more nuts.

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5. Taste test – chocolatey or pepperminty enough for you? Adjust ingredients accordingly.

This made 20 small Balls with the mixture above.

These Chocolate Mint Bliss Balls have quite a powerful chocolate flavour so I rolled them into quite small balls for a nice snack or treat with a cup of tea.

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There we have it, a super quick and easy recipe that you can literally throw everything into your food processor and a couple of minutes later you have your Chocolate Mint Bliss Balls ready to be eaten!

Have you tried bliss balls before? What flavours do you love together?


I am entering the recipe for the 5 Ingredient Easy Chocolate Mint Bliss Balls into Sweet NZ #35 which I am hosting this month, if you are a kiwi blogger or a blogger living in NZ (from any country) please enter a sweet treat you have made 🙂 

6 thoughts on “5 Ingredient Easy Chocolate Mint Bliss Balls

  1. O yum these look great. My favourite combinations are chocolate and almond! I need a new food processor. How does this one cope with nuts? Do you reckon it would be ok to make nut butters?

    1. It copes fine with nuts in the bliss balls, nut butters are on my to do list as I’m really hoping it will be strong enough to make them, once I give it a go I’ll put it on the blog 🙂

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