If you’ve read my Cherry Chocolate Scone recipe you’ll know that I’ve been on a bit of a scone Buzz for about a year now. I’ve actually never brought a scone when I’ve been out at a cafe or anything like that before so I’ve only ever had homemade ones! My prego brain decided that some Cheese & Bacon Scones would be a great idea one day – which is unusual for me as I’m ALWAYS a sweet tooth and rarely go for savoury things, especially when it comes to scones!
So I pulled out the flour, some cheese from the freezer (did you know you can freeze cheese?! I buy the big bags or big blocks then pop some in the freezer as we don’t use cheese very often then pull out bits as needed) and the bacon that needed using up in the next few days and got to work on these Cheese & Bacon Scones.
I debated whether I would use my standard scone method for these Cheese & Bacon Scones as my standard method uses sugar free fizzy drink which I wondered if it would be a bit too sweet to go with the cheese and bacon so I settled on a mixture of sugar free lift (you can use lemonade) and milk mixture and it turned out really well if I do say so myself!.
4 Cups High Grade Flour (+ more for shaping the dough)
4 Tsp Baking Powder
6-8 Rashers Streaky Bacon (Chopped)
3/4 cup grated cheese of your choice
1/2 teaspoon paprika (optional)
2 Tbs plain yoghurt (whatever yoghurt you have on hand will be fine I’m sure, we just always have plain)
1/2 cup sugar free Lift (you can use lemonade, L&P or lemon crush fizz instead)
3/4 cup milk
Shake of Salt
Makes approx 12 Scones
1. Preheat the oven to 180 Degrees.
2.Chop the bacon into small pieces and grate the cheese if using a block rather than pre-grated.
3. Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl.
4. Add the shake of salt along with the bacon and cheese and mix through gently.
5. Add the yoghurt and about half of the Lift and using a knife cut through the mixture to mix it up (the key with scones is not to overmix)
6. Add in more of the Lift slowly and knife cut through until mixed and your mixture is all combined.
7. Spread roughly half a handful of flour on your bench and turn out the dough onto the bench, work into a shape roughly two scones wide and however high you like. If you have any particularly wet patches of mixture dust a little extra flour over them.
8. Using the knife chop the scone dough into scone sized pieces (I made 12 – sometimes I’ll make smaller ones and sometimes bigger ones) and place on a baking tray in the oven for approx 20 minutes.
9. Serve warm with butter.
What is your favourite flavour scone? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you!