Do you ever spell check your blog posts? I knew there was a function but to be honest have never bothered with it, I’m a pretty decent speller (is that even a word), although that’s not to say you won’t…
Leah Tagged me in this Handwritting Meme (yes I wrote the word everyone uses but have no idea what it actually means, can someone shed any light on it?) I’d seen it floating around cyberspace a bit and wondered if…
I found this over on My Little Big Life, and thought I hadn’t written much lately so why not give it a go! Age: 22 – eek 23 in 2 days Bed size: Queen Chore you hate: washing dishes, vacuuming,…
So maybe you want to know what the numbers mean, maybe not. If not stop reading! 25 is the number of years my parents have been married for at the end of this month. 122 is the number of days…
So this is my 100th post! Woo! I actually didn’t think i’d get to that many posts cas I like to start stuff then get bored after a few months! My apologies for the boring posts lately, I don’t have…