Do you ever spell check your blog posts? I knew there was a function but to be honest have never bothered with it, I’m a pretty decent speller (is that even a word), although that’s not to say you won’t…
After buying some DVD’s from Amazon UK we came across the issue that they were not the same region as NZ, therefore they won’t play on the PS2 or PS3 and our old DVD player broked ages ago and has…
This Sunday Mum & I went to Palmerston North for a girl’s shopping day. We started out by stopping at the Sanson Markets where my cousin has a little stall selling clothes & bits & pieces, and saw people making…
Am I the only one that tries to trick myself into thinking something? I always always crave sugar after a hot meal, without fail. I try and trick myself into not craving sugar by avoiding it, go have a shower, watch…
Do you ever feel that you can’t get everything done at once? Who am I kidding, I think everyone who is human has felt that at some point or another. I find that I put my everything into something big,…