So here’s a recipe for ya that DOESN’T include two cups of sugar! Well actually I can’t really give a proper recipe as I didn’t measure anything, I started off with some basic ideas from Pinterest and then realised I…
I am on the hunt for recipes and healthy food ideas; I need snack ideas as well as lunch ideas which can be easily reheated or made in a lunchtime (for days I go home for lunch) and super easy…
I am getting seriously sick of seeing recipes for healthy this and healthy that and clicking in to them and seeing two cups of sugar in the ingredient list…. um what part of that is healthy? In fact, the latest…
The last year has been a bit of a journey for me health wise, joining a ‘real’ gym and (mostly) pushing myself in the gym. My downfall has always been my food, although the majority of the time I am…
One of the biggest things I have discovered on this healthy living journey is that a little bit of support goes a long way. It’s one thing to believe in yourself and another to have someone there who you know…