Category: Exercise

Day four is my favourite day at the gym! I always try and make it on a weekend so there aren’t as many people around and I’m more likely to get use of the squat rack without waiting, because I…

Day three consists of an upper body workout which other than the abdominal workout I really like as I can really feel each of them working. The abdominal workout I can definitely feel it working but I don’t enjoy these…

Day two consists of a lower body workout with a couple ab exercises as well as the DB Clean which work as a short cardio workout for me, it’s a relatively new exercise to me and every time I’m left…

As mentioned in my previous post about creating a training plan I split my days into two ‘Upper Body’ days and two ‘Lower Body’ days. Where two (or more) exercises are the same colour mean that I super set them,…

I thought I’d write a post on how to create a training plan and in the next few posts that follow I will show you the training plan I am currently using which might help give you some ideas. If…