Category: 2011

Monday; 30 mins at the gym, 3/4 game of Indoor Netball (Both things 1 leg is really hurting so am a bit worried about the rest of the week training for the Round the Bays). Tuesday; Nothing (Sore leg) Wednesday;…

So I went and got myself a new phone, I really want an IPhone, but really can’t justify spending that much! So I got a Samsung Galaxy 550 on Telecom, my main reasons for choosing it are that it has…

So a bit of an update on the whole exercise thing. I’ve been back for almost 2 weeks and got straight back into running (after having not run since November) I’ve worked myself up to being able to do just…

I’m Back! Did you miss me? It feels like so long since I last did a post! I have intentions of doing lots of posts this year, lets see if that ends up happening! I will do a post over…