Oh what I wouldn’t give to have awesome skin like that ^! Ok lovely ladies (and gents? if there are any out there!) I need some advice, I’ve gotten to the point that I have had enough with my skin…
We landed in Singapore a couple of days ago but I have been lazy! Thought it was about time I put up a quick post. Here are some of my snaps for your viewing pleasure Will write a better…
What ever it is you said you would do, Just do it! Totally on the money quote!! What have you been putting off until tomorrow? I think mine is saving & getting rid of these pesky 10kg, time to Just…
Sticking with this limited word theme, I finally uploaded my photos from my trip to Thailand onto my computer and a flash drive to take to my parents. (Good tip here for everyone, put a copy of photos on your…
The last couple of posts have been rather wordy so how about something a little more photogenic?! Another Plinky prompt is to blog about your favourite things to photograph and why… Well I have no idea why but I love…