So today I reached a bit of a milestone, I have eaten breakfast every day for the last 10 days!
So it might not seem like much but everything you read is that it’s really bad not to eat breakfast blah blah blah
And the last time I would have eaten breakfast everyday for 10 days in a row I would have been about 12 or 13 so I stopped eating breakfast about 10 years ago! Eeek!
I stopped eating it partly as I love my sleep too much and didn’t want to get up any earlier than really necessary and party because eating early in the morning makes me feel yuck. So now I’m having either instant oats with brown sugar (Yes I can’t cut that out its gross otherwise!) or cereal with yoghurt (ohh yeah I don’t like milk – fussy much?) and on the weekend I had peanut butter on toast, yumness, I forgot how good that is! I’m tempted to take a toaster to work to leave there, but I don’t get to work early enough and would make the whole place smell like toast!
Do you eat breakfast everyday? What do you have?
I admit that I am crap at eating breakfast. I flirted with breakfast earlier this year, but I just can’t keep it up! I really really need to make an effort. Hopefully you’ve inspired me – I’ll try today
I hate having breakfast once I wake up so started taking it to work and having it once I feel hungry, I’ve found it a lot easier that way. Its weekends that it’s hard to keep it up, even though that should be the easiest time! Let me know how you get on! Try it for a couple of weeks even if it’s only something small.
I definitely a muesli person with blueberries but lately been getting into multi grain bread toasted and then spread with cottage cheese, rocket and tomatoes. The pass year I had found it hard to eat breakfast for the same reasons you have said and the fact that my body was still asleep at 6am was not a good mix. But I have missed eating a good breakfast it was just taken me awhile to get back on to it.
Wow thats an awesome breakfast! Kudos to you! I am so not adventurous with my breakfast foods at all.
Are you having breakfast early now and just gotten used to it or waiting until you fully wake up to eat?