Blogs I

Something I have been meaning to do for a while now is share a few of the blogs I have saved in my favourites (yes i’m a bit old school, not a huge fan of google reader). Kristyn commented on my Blog Nerd post asking for me to share some of the blogs I like, so thanks Kristyn for the kick up the butt 🙂


So here we go, just a few of the blogs I’m loving at the moment! Over and above you lovely ladies that regularly comment 😉

Bess Be Fit (USA) Health/Fitness/Food
Iowa Girl Eats (USA) Foodie/Life
Domestic Divinity (OZ) Life/Fashion
Eemusings (NZ) Fitness/Finance

I have a tonne more but will do another post with some more later on, spread the link love around.

Do you already visit any of these blogs? What do you think of these blogs? What are your favourite blogs at the moment?