Yeah so i’m supposed to be being healthy yet I go and bake shit with lots of sugar in it, clever cookie huh? Well you see those small neenish tarts in the pics, I made them for me to eat when I get sugar cravings then I won’t feel as guilty as eating a big one! See there are some [kinda] smarts in that head of mine! I have family coming this weekend as well so I will force feed them the large ones.
The banana cake was made last week, I only ate one peice. I am proud of myself! I had to make it cas the bananas were well on their way to not even being good enough for the pig bucket and there is no room in our freezer.
Ohh and my excuse for the neenish tarts is that we have heaps of lemons on the tree that would have gone to waste otherwise! I asked on Twitter what to make and the lovely @chocfish suggested neenish tarts, now she is one [serious] clever cookie!
Obligatory photos;
Yeh they’re not that pretty and the inside hasn’t set properly but they are quiet yummy!
Woops forgot to take a pic of it iced.
Thats it you can get back to your life now