Ambury Farm Regional Park: Where we can all be kids!

Ambury Farm Regional Park 

We have been making the most of our weekends lately and trying to cross a few things off our list of must do items in Auckland. One of the things on this list was to climb the mountains in Auckland which we have now done (a post to come about this), while we were looking at the map on how to get to Mangere Mountain we noticed there was a lot of green area on the maps just past Mangere Mountain. After consulting my good friend google we discovered that green area was Ambury Regional Park.

Along Ambury Regional Park is Ambury Farm! Ambury Farm Regional Park is essentially a working farm which is open to the public to wander around and get up close and personal with the animals! As soon as I found this out I knew we HAD TO VISIT!

ambury farm regional park AUCKLAND

We arrived at Ambury Farm Regional Park half expecting to have to pay an entrance fee – but you don’t! Yay, yep it’s 100% FREE! There are also little BBQ areas where you can bring your own food and hold a cook-off! Just remember a plastic bag or something to take your rubbish out with you as there are no rubbish bins at Ambury Farm Regional Park. 

After sitting down to eat our lunch at one of the picnic tables we took off around the park to see as much as we could before the skies opened up on us. I couldn’t have cared less that we were possibly the only people there that didn’t have children with us. I was super excited just like a kid! 

We saw some wandering chickens and roosters, talked to them for a bit and then moved on to the calves in the paddock that were licking each other non-stop. Behind the calves we worked out which pig pen was Gingers and I proceeded to make it my mission to find where her babies were (a sign earlier told us she had piglets). I finally found them, much to Gingers dismay no doubt because as soon as they saw me they ran out of their hut and straight to mum for a drink – sorry Ginger! 

There were the usual sheep in a couple of paddocks which were overrun by children so we kept on going, found some more chickens and then saw what looked like goats in the distance and headed for them. 


The goats were possibly our favourite animals, there were two Angora goats, one HUGE goat who thought it would be fun to aggressively rub it’s head on our legs (guess those pants were getting washed that weekend then!) and became great friends with us for a while until he got bored of us and went back to his hut, and one other smaller goat by himself with a wooden collar around his neck. We weren’t really sure why, I’m guessing to either not lick himself – like a collar the dogs get when they come back from the vet, or to stop it getting through fences?

As we were leaving we noticed that there were horses over the back as well and also passed some turkeys – they certainly are unfortunate looking right?!

We will definitely be back to Ambury Farm Regional Farm at some point as I love the laid back country atmosphere, yet it is so close to the city really! There are some bike and walking tracks as well as bird colonies which you can view in the Regional Park so you could easily spend a whole day exploring here! 

Have you ever been to Ambury Farm Regional Park or a similar place??

13 thoughts on “Ambury Farm Regional Park: Where we can all be kids!

  1. Okay so I can TOTALLY see why you recommended this place; it looks fantastic! Definitely have to add this to my own Auckland bucket list 😀

  2. I went to a place like this in France about an hour from away our house Ain and I loved it, so much fun! You could spend all day there just hanging out with the animals and it was awesome!

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