Following on from my beginners Kettlebell workout I posted last week I thought I would share a more advanced Kettlebell workout with you all. And yes, I even braved uploading another video – better be careful or I might actually begin to enjoy doing the videos
All the moves in this Advanced Kettlebell workout are a bit more complicated than my last video so make sure you start with a light weight and keep good form before moving up the weights.
Advanced Kettlebell Workout
[If you just want the video – click here]
// Kettlebell Swing
Begin with your legs around shoulder width apart with the kettlebell on the floor in between your legs. Squat down until both hands grasp the kettlebell. From here you want to use the power in your hips to thrust the kettelbell upwards. You should be bringing the kettlebell to around shoulder height – you can go higher it just slightly changes the muscles you use. Return the kettlebell to between your legs and keep the swinging motion going. The key to getting heavier with this exercise is to use the thrust from your hips to get the weight up rather than trying to use your arms. Sounds weird but believe me the hip thrust will help!
// Kettlebell Deadlift
Deadlifts are one of my favourite things ever because they make me feel strong. Kettlebell deadlifts are performed in a similar way to barbell deadlifts. Begin with your feet around shoulder width apart with the kettlebell on the floor in between your legs. Keeping a nice straight back bend down into a slight squat position and grasp the kettlebell with both hands, once you have the handle in your hands stand back up to an upright position and bring the kettlebell with you. Part squat back down to return the kettlebell to the ground and then repeat.
// Kettlebell Snatch
The Snatches [*snigger* funny name I know!] are to be performed with one arm at a time. Snatches are effectively one fluid motion from the kettlebell being on the floor until it is up overhead with your arm out straight above you. Begin in a slight squat position and holding the handle of the kettlebell with one hand, squat down completely and throw the kettlebell up over your head (make sure you watch the video for this one), return down to the ground and repeat.
// Overhead Kettlebell Walking Lunges
Grab the kettlebell by the bottom with both hands so the handle is facing upwards. Take a step forward and lunge with one foot forward, being careful to not let your knee travel past your toes and having your torso remaining in an upright position. Come back up and then step forward into a lunge with the opposite foot so you are doing walking lunges.
// Kettlebell Thrusters
The kettlebell thrusters can be performed with either one or two kettlebells depending on the equipment you have available. Begin by snatching the kettlebell up to shoulder height (do this with both arms if you are using two kettlebells). Squat down into a deep squat holding the kettlbells beside your shoulders with your palm side of your wrist facing forwards. At the bottom of the squat come back up and when you reach the standing point push your arms and the kettlebells up straight overhead. Bring the kettlbells back to your shoulder point and then repeat.
Complete 20 repetitions of each exercise on the list (10 each side for Snatches and Thrusters if you only have one kettlebell) and then have a little rest and complete the circuit again three to five times depending on your fitness level and the time you have available.
If you’re feeling energetic mix it up by doing a short sprint in between each full round of exercises.
Let me know what you think of the workout in the comment below….
Ok, I did giggle at the Kettlebell snatches.
I always see these things at the gym and never know what the heck to do with them. Now I do!
I tried one of these for the first time during my first boot camp and I loved using them. I used the ones our instructors brought, but am thinking about getting a set for home!
They are so versatile! Let me know if you need any help if you do end up getting them
My goal for fitness right now is to do more strengthening and use weights. Thanks for sharing this–very useful!
You make the snatches look so easy
I think I was trying with a too heavy kettle ball. I love kettle ball swings though, my favourite exercise.
i only used a kettleball the one time i went to a crossfit class, and i found that i did not excel in that class at all. haha i was too embarrassed to go back a second time. might have to do some training at home.