Advanced Abdominal Workout

Today I bring you my Advanced Abdominal Workout. While all of the exercises are substantially harder than both my beginners and intermediate abdominal workouts, most people will be able to do them with a little bit of practice.

The thing with abdominal work is that it often hurts when doing it so we give up early, when the very thing we should be doing is pushing through that pain to encourage our abdominal to get stronger!

Strong abdominals are important as we use them every single day and they also help our back muscles as well, between the two they do a very good job at helping us as functional human beings. 
Advanced Abdominal Workout (2)

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 Advanced Abdominal Workout

// 10 Leg Raises (SB)
Lie down straight on the ground, keeping your hands down by your side and your head resting on the ground. Bring your legs up so that the bottom of your feet are facing the roof, slowly lower your legs down to the ground. Keep it nice and slow and controlled, this will burn (a lot!), if you are doing it correctly you will feel it within a few reps. If you have a swiss ball then you can put it between your legs with your arms out over your head and when you bring your legs up bring the ball with you and transfer the ball to your hands and back.

// 20 Second Raised Leg Plank
Get into the plank position, facing downwards and up on your forearms and on to your toes. Once you are stable in this position, bring one foot slightly off the ground and hold this position. At the halfway mark bring the food in the air down to the ground and then swap over to the other leg. We want a nice straight back in the plank position.

// 20 Russian Twists (Feet Raised)
Sit down on the ground as though you are at the top of a sit-up. Keep your feet raised slightly off the ground and rotate from side to side slowly. If you have a kettlebell hold on to this at the same time as rotating from side to side. If you don’t have a kettlebell and want to make it harder grab a full drink bottle or milk bottle, can of food or small child if there is one handy :P.

//  10 Spidermans with Push-up
Put yourself into the top of a full push-up position and hold here, bring one of your legs to your side on the outside of your body as though you are trying to touch your elbow with your knee. Continue doing this on each side. If you are able to perform full push-ups then try to do a full push-up and then bring each leg to try to touch your knee to your elbow and then perform another push-up and repeat. Do as many as you can with the push-up, until you can’t do anymore and then just continue with the spiderman portion without the push-up.

Repeat 3-5 times. 

Advanced Abdominal Workout Video

If you are looking for easier Abdominal workouts then try either my Beginner Abdominal Workout or my Intermediate Abdominal Workout.

Which of these abdominal exercises would you most like to do???