At some time or another I think all of us have suffered from low confidence. It can happen for a number of reasons, sometimes life just doesn’t seem to be going your way and your confidence can take a nosedive. Sometimes seeing other people succeeding or moving on in their lives can also affect your confidence.
No matter the reason, I’ve got 7 easy ways to help you double your confidence.
// Health and Fitness
A combination of physical exercise and eating healthy balanced foods will promote a fit and healthy lifestyle. The knowledge that you are healthy and physically fit will make you a more positive and confident person. The endorphins you get from exercise will also make you feel happier and happier people are generally more confident.
// Avoid Negative Thoughts
Avoid the daily news, it’s mostly all negative and nothing that YOU can do about it, why let it ruin your day? Avoid negative people, surround yourself with people who are positive, supportive and encourage you to succeed and live your best life. Try focusing on the positive things from each day by writing down at least three things you are grateful for every single day.
// Avoid Perfectionism
Don’t be a perfectionist, very little will get done and your confidence will tank. Perfect – is an unattainable goal and will only leave you frustrated and lower your self-esteem when you are not able to reach “perfect”. Do the best you can and be confident that you finished on time, within specified parameters and DONE is better than never finished.
// Set Goals With Daily Objectives
Identify, develop and set S.M.A.R.T. goals and include daily objectives so that you can see progress toward your massive goal. It can be as simple as looking up some information or calling and speaking to a friend who you have not spoken to in years. Do at least one small step everyday that will provide you a sense of fulfillment and improve your self-esteem and confidence to meet an objective.
// Spend more time outdoors
Spending more time in nature, taking walks, bird watching, exploring flowers and plants will help reestablish your connection with the Earth and your place in it. Whatever you do, spend your time really being one with nature. You will be influenced by the vast beauty of the outdoors and you will feel your spirits lifted and self confidence boosted.
// Learn New Things
Start a new hobby or sign up for classes that you have always been interested in. A hobby is a good way of relieving stress and hobbies and learning new skills can help to wash away negative emotions at the end of a long stressful day. Learning a new skill or hobby provides many benefits including the huge sense of accomplishment you get when you learn new things.
// Write It Down
Keep a diary or journal of all that happened throughout the day. Be sure to record those events that made you feel that you accomplished your “mission”. What special skills, talents or abilities helped you achieve and accomplish that mission? Writing down and reviewing your accomplishments will bolster your self-confidence as you write, and again whenever you are having self-doubts. Pick up your journal and read through the entries and remind yourself that you are indeed capable of overcoming obstacles and achieving things.
Which of the above do you think could benefit you the most?? – Comment below and let me know, I love hearing from you.
These tips are really nice. I think every person should adopt them to be a bit more confident.