Do you often feel overwhelmed by work, school and family obligations? Do you feel tired and frustrated and look for excuses to avoid activity or social interaction? You may be experiencing burnout, a common hazard of the demands of modern life.
Stress is a normal part of everyday life and we deal with stressors many times throughout the course of the day, and while stress may contribute to burnout, it is much more than stress alone. Burnout affects you physically and emotionally, you lack the strength and will to move and avoid any unnecessary movement or exercise. You are unable to focus or concentrate and soon feel helpless and hopeless and become steeped in negativity. Your relationships at home and work suffer. If you do not recognise and deal with burnout, it can lead to severe depression and addictive behaviours.
Consider these steps as possible solutions to overcome your burnout:
// Relax and enjoy life
Take frequent breaks from work and the stressors that may be contributing to your burnout. Don’t be a workaholic. Make time for fun, relaxation and activities you enjoy and spend more time with your family and friends. These relaxation periods don’t have to be long, but should be planned and used as frequently as possible.
// Exercise
Increasing movement and exercise, especially moderate to intense exercise, releases “feel good” hormones and neurotransmitters while increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your body. Exercise is vital to relieving stress and will improve your mood and outlook and reduces the frequency of stress-eating.
// Clean up your diet
Junk foods, sugars and processed foods contribute to pain, inflammation, and binge eating, which all affect your mood and behaviour. By eliminating these foods and beverages high in sugars and syrups, you will increase your energy level, reduce body fat and may also increase brain function and improve memory and mood.
// Discover your purpose
Identify your passion and what motivates you and you’ll discover your real purpose in life. Use this knowledge to develop a plan and set short and long-term goals to give your life direction. Set goals that are realistic and that can be accomplished as reaching your goals leads to happiness and satisfaction.
// Stop being a perfectionist
Setting unrealistic standards that can’t be met leads to burnout. You literally wear yourself out physically and emotionally over things that are simply impossible. As a perfectionist, you become more sensitive to criticism and you are unable to relax and enjoy life.
While it may be impossible to avoid the stress of daily living, it is possible to prevent that stress from causing you to burn out. Implement these steps to cope and help you avoid being paralysed by burnout. Learn to relax, follow a healthier lifestyle and put fun back in your life!
What do you do in your life to help ensure you don’t burnout?? Leave a comment below and let me know, I love hearing from you!
I think over the years, I have started to get better at recognising burn out. It can be a frequent issue as a parent of a little one! I’ve been juggling casual work, being a school mum, being a mum at home, running my household and also dealing with infertility. It can get a bit emotionally and physically draining!
I’m starting to feed my soul with stuff that inspires me. Getting back to exercise. My nutrition could be way more amazing but I’ll work on it because good food does make you feel better! I’m making social plans that suit me and not just killing myself trying to fit in with others. I’ve said no to some negative influences in my life and yes to the stuff (and people) that makes me feel good. When I do feel the signs of burn out (I become an irritable and awful mess and even though I love my son I start to feel mad about being with him – a sure sign I need a break), I plan to get some me time as soon as humanly possible. Taking that break saves my sanity and I can come back with nothing but love for my family. I’m better off not being a martyr and so is my family!