Nerd Alert!
So I have never really had the mindset of working for 40 years then retiring. I would rather find ways to have my money work for me so I am able to live my life the way I want to. Not that there is anything wrong with working for 40 years, in fact if you love what you do then go for it 🙂
I think the single thing that has had the biggest impact on my life would have to be this book;
It taught me the difference between employees, investors etc as outlined in the cashflow quadrant. It solidified for me what quadrant I want to be in and made me realise that wanting to do things differently is not a bad thing.
Of corse there are people I know that have had a major impact on my life; namely my parents but I think that kind of goes without saying & I wanted to choose someone/thing else.
My three main ‘sectors’ of my life are family (including friends), business & travel, they shape who I am so naturally there are people/things that have had a major impact on me for each sector of my life.
Love it. I agree with you completely – I plan on taking “mini retirements” throughout my life – and make my money work for me so that I can! Luckily I have a partner (accountant too) who thinks exactly the same, and we are putting plans in place to make it happen. Another book I read which was really good on this subject was The 4 Hour Work Week. You might want to check it out 🙂
Hurrah for likeminded people! I love love love the 4 hour workweek, definately one of the better ones out there, I just finished reading it for the second time! Yay for being with someone who thinks the same, I don’t think my other half has any clue or interest to know about that kind of stuff, which could be a deal breaker, only time will tell 🙂