Feeling a little sluggish?? Today’s post is just what you need, with 9 quick energy tricks that work, and none of them involve caffeine! Hurrah!
Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you do, you will feel a little sluggish and in need of an energy boost every now and again. While diet and lifestyle definitely come in to play as to how often you feel like this, even the best lifestyles will occasionally feel like you need a little extra energy.
// Fresh Air
Get out and score yourself some fresh air. Fresh air does the world of difference, especially with most of us cooped up inside offices all day during the week. Not only does the feeling of fresh air give you a bit of instant energy it also helps to wake you up and a small dose of Vitamin D (thanks to the sun) gives you an energy boost.
// Quick Workout
A short workout will get your blood pumping around your body and those endorphins working for you. Endorphin’s are the feel good hormone which make us feel more energized. It can be as simple as going for a walk around the block during your lunch break to help stimulate the release the endorphins.
// Power Nap
Have you ever lay down for a short nap and woken up just 10 minutes later feeling as though you have slept for hours?? Best.Feeling.Ever! Studies have shown that having a power nap of 10-20 minutes can help us with more energy without having a negative effect on our night time kip!
// Stretch
Stretching works along the same lines as doing a quick workout, stretching assists in getting your blood flowing more freely around your body and giving you those all important endorphin’s which is the feel good hormone. Take a few minutes to really stretch out while focusing on your breathing for a double whammy.
// Laugh
I give you permission to look up as many grumpy cat memes as you can until your energy is sufficiently lifted! Grumpy cat may not be your cup of tea but just find what it is that makes you laugh and do that for at least a few minutes and see how different you feel afterwards.
// Breathe
Take deep breaths, you should be able to physically see your belly moving when you breathe in and out. This is when you will really begin to breathe deeply. Stop for a minute and take 20 deep breaths and then continue with your day. Really focusing on your breathing helps you to come back to center and effectively restart.
// Listen to Music
I find that listening to music always helps give me more energy, especially while at work. Putting in the headphones and turning up the sounds for even just 5 minutes is enough to give a bit of an energy boost.
// Hydrate
You all know I’m big on keeping hydrated, and by keeping hydrated I mean increasing the amount of water you are drinking. Water, not coffee or fizzy drinks or anything else like that. Increasing your water intake by drinking herbal teas is acceptable if you find it hard to drink more water. Get yourself a glass of water or cup of herbal tea, taking a few minutes as a time out and then go back to your day.
// Nuts
Nuts contain magnesium which is good for a boost of energy, they also contain calories which can help with an energy slump. Nuts are a high calorie food so remember to keep servings to just a few at a time to avoid over-consuming calories.
What is your favourite quick tip for boosting energy??
Yesterday afternoon I was totally in a slump, and I felt like getting some lollies or something. Instead I went for a walk and bought a smoothie. Still had some sugar but much better for me, and it was really nice to get some fresh air.
That’s awesome Lena! Getting fresh air definitely does help especially in the afternoon when you hit that wall