Was 2016 a bit of a dud for you? Maybe you just want to level up your life in 2017 and make 2017 your BEST year yet?!
January is already behind us and the year is starting to fly by already; now is your time to kick into high gear and make the most of 2017!
Lucky for you, I’ve come up with 8 simple ways you can make 2017 just that!
// Reflect on 2016
Whether 2016 dealt you a fabulous or a forgettable hand, it’s well worth reflecting on the year. Take a flick through your calendar or Instagram feed and check out all the cool things you did, saw or accomplished during the year. Reflecting back on all the good things that happened is a great way to look at the things that you enjoy doing and incorporate more of those things during 2017. Whether your memorable moments included coffee dates with friends, or scrap-booking by yourself at home – find some time to do more of these things in 2017.
// Explore your Backyard
Too often we neglect the things that we can do in our own backyard. Take to Google and discover what things there are to do near you and go out and do them! It could be going to the movies, bowling, walking around a lake, going to the beach, tramping, a cycle pathway etc. We often think further afield when we should look on our doorstep for things to do. If your town or city is very small, widen your search to within an hour or so from your home – I can almost guarantee you will find at least one thing to do that you will remember when you look back on 2017 at the start of 2018!
// Upskill
Upskilling could mean many different things depending on where you are in your life. I completed my whole degree and post graduate diploma (Accounting and Management) via distance learning and it was one of the best things I ever did – I was able to fit it around my lifestyle and earn a full time income at the same time! Plus the student loan was a lot less than going to University, and because I was working I paid it off only a few years after I had qualified as a Chartered Accountant! Upskilling may not necessarily mean going and doing a degree, you could enrol in a short course in something you are passionate or want to know more about! And it doesn’t have to be anything to do with your current job! What about a short course or paper in Marketing, Sports Psychology or Introductory French? There are a tonne of options through Massey University – search for a course or paper that suits you here.
// Set a Workout Routine
Of course I am going to mention working out – this is a health and fitness blog after all! Find a style of exercise that you enjoy (walking, running, cycling, bootcamp, gym, rollerblading, swimming, Zumba, metafit); there are so many options you don’t have to do something that you don’t actually like doing! Once you have found a style of exercise that works for you, look at your schedule and decide how often you can fit it during your week. It may only be once per week, it may be 5 times per week. Find what suits your schedule and stick with it! Schedule your workouts in as appointments and do not miss them. Getting the blood flowing around your body through exercise increases endorphins, and endorphins makes people happy!
// Catch up with Friends
When I look back at some of the best times I’ve had during the year often they are just simply catching up with friends. Sometimes it’s the little things that matter most in life and sharing a spare half an hour or so over coffee with a friend is time well spent. We often get stuck in our own day-to-day lives and forget to keep in touch with friends (especially as we get older) – I have been guilty of this as well. Make a note in your diary to catch up with at least one friend each month, more often if you can fit it in.
// Gratitude Journal
I am huge on giving gratitude. Whenever I really focus on the things I am grateful for, more good things seem to happen in my life. You can give gratitude a number of ways but the easiest way is to keep a gratitude journal (either online or on paper). Write down at least 3 things you are grateful for each and every day – they could be simple things like the fact that the sun is shining, or the kids said thank you for dinner. They could also be the bigger things, like being able to afford to go away for the weekend, being grateful that you have a job and being grateful for your spouse. If you keep the thing you are grateful for written down instead of just in your head, then you can look back at everything you were grateful for in 2017 once the New Year hits.
// Add extra Vitamins
Yes, this one may not be very exciting – but it’s very important! Add more vegetables into your diet! Vegetables add a whole range of vitamins and minerals into your body. There is a reason why your mum always told you to eat your greens – it’s because they are good for you! If you are lacking in certain vitamins and minerals you will not operate at the best you can. Sneak a few more vegetables into your diet and notice the difference in your health and vitality! Grate a carrot into your spaghetti bolognese, add spinach into your morning smoothie or add the vegetables that need using up into your quiche. Getting more vegetables into your diet doesn’t need to be difficult.
// Schedule something to look forward too
This is something that I have always done really well, and generally I do it with trips either around New Zealand or Overseas. I often do it because flights are so much cheaper the further out you book them; however, it’s also a great way to build anticipation for a trip that is coming up. In 2016 we booked a trip (in January) to America for November! You may not want to (or be able to travel) and that’s fine, just schedule something into your diary for a few months time that you will really enjoy; it could be a concert, weekend away without the kids, or simply going to get a manicure. Heck, it could be a whole weekend where you literally have nothing scheduled!
How are you going to make 2017 your BEST year yet?
This post was made possible thanks to Massey University. Check out their range of distance learning courses which can be done in the comfort of your own home, around YOUR lifestyle!