One of the most common excuses I see from people who don’t workout consistently is that they don’t have enough time to workout.
I’d like to call bullshit on this one, we all have the same number of hours in a day. Yes, we all have different commitments, BUT we can all fit it in! We just have to find something that fits with our lifestyle and make it a priority.
I’ve put together 8 tips to help you find the time to workout.
// Set your Alarm Early
Getting your workout done at the start of the day means that it is done and that you can’t use excuses later in the day to get out of your exercise for the day. Trial getting up for early morning bootcamp sessions, going for a walk or a run, or just doing at at home workout.
// Incorporate your Kids into a Workout
Depending on the ages of your kids, you can physically use them in a workout (bubs and toddlers), or you can take your kids to the park and get a workout in at the same time. Smaller children can sometimes be clingy to mum, if they want to be with you all the time there are plenty of things you can do – squats and lunges holding bub, planks over the bub, shoulder press with bub etc. If your kids are older you can go for a walk, bike ride or scooter with them, or take them to the park to play and you can get a workout in as well.
// Have a walking date
How many times do you meet someone for coffee, go out for lunch, have meetings in an office etc? I can almost guarantee that it’s a lot! Make a walking date with friends, co-workers or your partner. Go for a walk in the bush if you can, or just explore your neighbourhood! It’s a good way to unwind and reconnect after a day at work. Or take your meeting at work outside if you can, discuss what needs to be discussed while going for a walk.
// Lunchbreak Workout
From my experience of seeing what others do at lunchtime, it’s often scrolling through Facebook or doing online shopping. Take a break from your desk and go and get a workout in during your lunchbreak – it doesn’t need to be long or sweaty. 15-20 Minutes can be plenty and a short walk will mean you won’t have to shower afterwards if this is not an option at your workplace.
// Block it Out
Schedule in your workouts as though they are appointments with your boss, you wouldn’t cancel on your boss, so don’t cancel on yourself! Put them in your diary so they are obvious to see and don’t cancel them! You will make everything work around your scheduled exercise time.
// Commuter Workout
Turn your commute into a workout! Depending on how far away you work from your home will depend on the viability of this. You can walk, run or bike to work if you live close enough. If you live too far away for one of these options then look at getting off the bus or train a stop early (or parking the car further away) and then walking the final part of the way to or from work.
// Use Tabata’s
Tabata’s are a form of High Intensity Interval Training. If done correctly they are a great way of getting your heart rate up and packing a solid workout into a short period of time. Grab a stopwatch and choose 4 different exercises (big explosive exercises work well), work as hard as you possibly can on the first exercise for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds, do the same with the next 3 exercises and repeat the whole circuit twice. This will take you 4 minutes to complete and can be a great workout! Give squat jumps, jumping jacks, sprints (on the spot) and burpees a try for a solid cardio Tabata.
// T.V Advertisement Workouts
Most of us spend far too much time watching TV – and a lot of that time is spent watching advertisements for things we really don’t need. Write yourself a set of 6 exercises and choose 1 T.V programme to cycle through your workout during the advertisements. For example you might choose squats, pushups, crunches, jumping jacks, leg raises and lunges – complete 10 of each and keep doing this until the ads have finished. If you watch on a device such as Netflix which does not have ads, commit to doing your circuit for 5 minutes prior to watching your show/movie and then 5 minutes afterwards as well.
What is your best tip for fitting your exercise in??
Sleeping after supper should also be avoided. All the tips you have mentioned is great.
Love this
Ohh, this is so helpful..
I had that excuse also but then I thought – what? If I really want it, then I can find time for it.
Ok, I’m really not a morning person and maybe that’s another excuse but I need darkness and silence to sleep but as I don’t live alone and other people go to sleep later than I would, I adapted to their routine. So that’s why I don’t wake up earlier, but go sleep later. And I think it works the same.
And about having a walking date – that’s a great idea. Although I walk with my friends pretty much, I’m sure we could do that more..
And as I work at my computer all day, I do some easy “desk” exercises to just stretch my muscles. Otherwise I have back pain..