Have you ever been to the gym and later realised that you were just not prepared for some reason or another? If you’re anything like me you would have rocked up to the gym only to discover you didn’t have a drink bottle, hair tie, or even your socks at least one time in your life.
It’s for times like these that I thought I would put together my list of the 7 Items you MUST have in your gym bag! Just leave them in your gym bag and you’ll never again need to worry about one of those tricky situations like getting to the gym and realising ‘that time of the month’ came a little earlier than expected, or that you forgot your ipod and now have to listen to the grunters in your gym grunt (I’m sure you all have at least one of them!).
I haven’t included things like a towel and bodywash as I personally don’t shower at the gym, if this is something you do regularly then obviously these should be staples in your gym bag as well. Don’t forget to read to the end to be in to WIN!
7 Items you MUST have in your gym bag
// Water Bottle
Past readers of the blog should not be surprised at my inclusion of a drink bottle as I always bang on about how important it is to keep yourself hydrated. For new readers I always talk about how important water is because our bodies are made up of over 60% water, which is huge! It is also an area where many people either forget to drink water to hydrate themselves or they hype themselves up on coffee or energy drinks which make you dehydrated rather than drinking water to hydrate you. Leave an empty drink bottle in your gym bag, whether it’s a plastic bottle or a proper drink bottle is completely up to you. Any gym I’ve ever been in always has at least one drinking fountain which you can fill up at the start of your workout.
// Hair Ties
I can’t tell you how many times I have gone to tighten my pony tail up at the gym only to see my hair tie fly off in a different direction as I have broken it! I have on more than one occasion gone to the gym desk to ask if they have any hair ties by any chance as I can’t handle having my hair down while I am working out. They take up no space and weigh next to nothing so you won’t notice it when throwing a couple of them into the bottom of your gym bag but you will be super happy with yourself that you have the forethought to include a couple of hair ties in your gym bag next time you either forget to bring one with you or you end up breaking one.
// U by Kotex® Sport Ultrathins
I don’t know about you but I can’t stand it when I have my period and am scheduled to go to the gym. I’ve wished before that someone would design an ultrathin product that was designed specifically for sport and exercise. There is nothing worse than wearing gym tights and feeling that bunching you often get with traditional pads when you are trying to workout. I am always worried that they won’t move with my body and you will either be able to see them through my tights, or even worse – leakage! Lucky for us females U by Kotex® Sport Ultrathins have been created to solve this exact problem, the first ultrathin pad designed specifically for sport! The super-absorbent flexfit core moulds with your body, providing protection against leaks during the most vigorous of exercise. What’s even better is that you can get a FREE sample to try for yourself. Get your free sample of U by Kotex® Sport Ultrathins here.
// Dry Shampoo
I never really understood why on earth anyone would want dry shampoo until I started regularly exercising. Especially if you have long hair like myself you will find that you hair seems to get greasy quickly when working out. While this won’t be too much of an issue if you are heading home after you have finished your workout, if you are working out during the day or are planning to go out afterwards you will appreciate having some dry shampoo in your bag. It negates the need for a full shower including hair wash but it makes your hair look nice and fresh.

// I pod
I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand it when I forget my own music for the gym and have to listen to the other people around me. I also often find that other people try to talk to me a lot when I don’t have my headphones on. Some people will like this but I am at the gym to workout and not have conversations so for me this is a bit of a pain. I don’t mind chatting at the end of a workout but not while I’m trying to do my thing. I also find I push myself a lot harder when I have my own music on and can really get into my own little world and get a great workout in.
// Spare Socks
If you’ve ever turned up to a gym class, gym or a sports game only to discover that you forgot your socks and home is too far away or there is not enough time before the game to source some more you will really appreciate this item. I’ve done it a couple of times before and it really isn’t a nice feeling not wearing any socks, and not having socks is not a big enough excuse to not do your workout. A pair of ankle socks take up hardly any room and don’t really weigh anything but having them in your bag will be the best feeling ever on the day you realise you forgot to pack socks!

// Deodorant
Whether you’re a roll on type person or a spray person it doesn’t matter but it is always nice to freshen up a little bit before or after your workout depending on what you have been doing beforehand. I generally workout in the evenings so sometimes find that I like to freshen up a bit before I go to the gym just to make sure I don’t smell too bad around other people. It’s also great to have on hand for those occasions when you are heading somewhere else after the gym.
**** WIN WIN WIN ****
To be in to Win a $100 Rebel Sport Voucher, leave a comment below and let me know what your top three must have’s are for YOUR gym bag! (Closes 8pm 18th October) – Competition Closed – The winner chosen by random number generator was comment 16 which was Amanda (You have been e-mailed, ps. Nice Name!)
This post was brought to you by U by Kotex®, all content and opinions are my own. Don’t forget to get your free sample of the new U by Kotex® Sport Ultrathins here!
My top 3 gym back essentials:
1. An extra pair of headphones. Mine break all the time or I forget them in my desk drawer at work
So these are super handy to have in my bag.
2. A small packet of nuts for post workout fuel. I’m always super hungry right after I leave the gym floor and these are great to munch on in the car or in the dressing room while I change.
3. A water bottle. You’re right, it’s so important to keep hydrated and it’s a pain to have to fork out $3.80 for a cheap water bottle at the gym if I’ve forgotten mine.
This is such a fantastic post!
My must haves are: water bottle for sure, weight lifting gloves (because my skin is real sensitive!) and hairties. I can’t work out with my hair down either, it drives me nuts! I need it off my sweaty face and neck, cause that feels disgusting.
Got my fingers crossed for this one! oxoxo
I forgot my headphones last night
I nearly went home but I powered through my workout anyway. I also always need to have my yoga strap for stretching, and I like wearing a buff/sweatband thing to keep my hair off my face and also deal with the sweat.
Gotta have music, water and a headband or hat! Nothing worse than hair in your face while getting sweaty!
I would say that my top 3 would be:
– Underwear
– Shoes (I have forgotten my work shoes before)
– Headphones
My top 3
1. Weight lifting gloves. My hands get all torn up even when using the cross trainer. Damned soft lady hands :/
2. An extra towel. Christel forgets her own towel pretty much 3-4 days a week. Don’t worry Sissy, I got ya.
3. Extra pair of headphones for my music. I quite often forget to put my usual pair of headphones back in my gym bag, so I always have an extra pair for when I do.
Fingers crossed for this. I need more nike runners <_<
My must have’s are:
* Lip Balm, I don’t know why but I always get dry lip
* Gum (weird I know)
My gym must haves are:
-water bottle
-zip lock bag with almonds and dried apricots if I need a snack afterwards
-sweat towel
My 3 gym must haves:
1. Drink made up with BCAA’s
2. iPod
3. Notebook to record workout (whether I actually use it is another matter
I totally agree with everything you have written especially the spare hairties!
My gym bag must haves are:
– Definitely my iPod shuffle, and more importantly, making sure it is charged! Nothing more depressing than it cutting out during the first 5 minutes of my warmup!
– Sports bra – Unfortunately if i forget this, there is no way I can train as I really need the “support”!
– water bottle – I usually don’t have the coins to fork out for paying for a cheap water bottle from the gym, and if I do i think it’s such a waste of money!
I definitely need hair elastics, my fitbit (I am so unmotivated without it) and my arm band to hold my phone or iPod!
My top 3:
– Hairties (same reason as you, had a bad experience where they broke)
– Spare socks and usually spare underwear too
– Water!
I usually also have mini bottles of shampoo/conditioner which I refill, a hairbrush, deodorant and a towel. Depends – some things I keep in my normal bag anyway.
Water bottle for sure – I can go through almost 2 liters during and after a workout
Headphones – I’ve forgotten them once, never again! I really need the ability to shut off the world if I’m not doing group classes.
Hairbrush – even if I don’t shower, I need to get my flyaways sorted before I leave (just personal neuroses) – clearly I don’t mind looking like a tomato, but a fuzzy tomato is a step too far.
change of clothes
Great post. My top 3 are bandana, water bottle and face mister as I get very red and it takes over 2 hours for my face to return to normal colour so I find sprit zing my face during my workout really keeps the red bandit from appearing.
You guys have definitely covered all the essentials!Love music on cardio day!!!right pants for right day comfy elastic pants for classes an weights!tight fitting pants for cardio day !a good sports bra is a must!!!its horrible being caught out!!!
My top 3 gymbag essentials are….
– Water Bottle (I use a Bobble, which is perfect)
– Headband (I have a lob so I can’t tie it up)
– Deodorant (Both Anti Perspirant + Smelly Spray)
I also keep mini bottles of shampoo, conditioner, bodywash and facial moisturiser in my bag too.
I have a tiny toilet bag with old minis I’ve refilled with body wash, moisturiser and wet shampoo. Also have talcolm powder, hair oil, eye cream and eczema cream. Never leaves my gym bag!
My top three items are-
1. Dry Shampoo, I love this product and wish it had been around ten years ago!
2. Coins for a coffee, as I like to meet up with friends after a workout.
3. CC Cream, as I get so red after a workout and the lightweight formula of these glides over my skin to hide the redness without feeling like I have a thick layer of something on my face.
Soap, deodorant and clean undies. I usually go to the gym at lunchtime at work so these are necessities to avoid feeling grubby and stinky in the afternoon.
I have to have phone for music, a small snack for after and a big water bottle
My top three must haves in my gym bag:
Drink bottle
Face clothe
3 essentials is my gym bag are:
1. Definitely a water bottle
2. Towel
3. Hairties – I have been caught out with breaking hairties too!
Well. I carry spare socks NOW only after I got to RPM and found I had forgotten my socks. Fortunately my physiotherapist was taking the same classes as me and she carried spare socks. Now I’m always with spare socks.
I always take my iPhone with me, so forgetting music hasn’t been a drama, but forgetting the earphones – I now have a gym set in my bag. I don’t shower at my gym, so don’t need anything there. Except hair ties and bobby pins. Cannot live without a few extra pins to keep the hair out of the eyes.
I carry photocopies of my programmes and rehab exercises. I don’t mind if they get dirty, but I do mind if my original programme copy gets dirty and it’s hard to find in the box with the 100 other programmes. (How hard is it for other people to put their programmes back in alphabetical order!?!?!)
However, I’m thinking I may need to carry extra shoes. I’m sitting here at my desk visualising that I did include my tights, top, socks, bra…. wait…. shoes. I’ve left my shoes at home for BodyPump after work!! Guess I’m going home at lunch to get my shoes
Great post, my must haves are sweat towel, deodorant, water bottle, phone for music, headphones
Water bottle, hairties and sports bra… the number of times I’ve been forced to work out in my normal bra after forgetting to change into a sports has nessessitated a permanent spare – ouch!
Can’t go to the gym without my BCAA’s, gym gloves for lifting weights and of course my sweat towel
headphones, dry shampoo for sure and hair ties
My three essentials are a water bottle, hair ties and my Fitbit. Gotta track that exercise!
I wear my Vivofit constantly anyway so didn’t count that lol
1. Sports Bra. As silly as this sounds it can be a deal dealer for me if I find I’ve forgotten it, which yep, I’ve done before
2. Water Bottle – go through lots of water and can be what helps a session to last longer
3. Headphones: gotta blast the music to keep the motivation going
Hair ties, a water bottle and headphones! No questions! I’m a big drinker when I exercise and have long hair so the first two are no brainers. I listen to Spotify on my iPhone so I always have music with me – just have to make sure I’m able to listen in to it!
3 must haves,
Towel, can’t go without my towel
Water bottle.
And hat or hair ties, can’t stand my hair in my face.
Makeup removing wipes
A microfiber gym towel
And pre workout

great reading, enjoy the post, my top three are my water bottle, my sounds, and a towel
My top 3 are my Pump bottle for rehydrating, headphones & muesli bars
Top three would have to be my water bottle (I can’t stand drinking out of water fountains), my head phones particularly for when I have to do cardio, and spare hair ties as mine always seem to disappear from my wrist right when I need them! I also have a resistance band for stretching after leg days!
My top 3 gym bag essentials are so boring – water, spare hair ties and a spare socks because who wants smelly feet :-/
I have a terrible habit of forgetting minimum of 2 items every time I leave the house!
My must haves for gym which either live in my bag or are put in post gym are:
1. A towel! I had an incident where I packed all but this item and ended up having to use my spare shirt :/ it was not a fun experience haha
2. My weight belt! Apart from shoulders and arms day, my belt is a necessity!!
3. Post workout shake! Without this I am beyond hangry… Ain’t no body want that!
So many items I need to regularly pack but those three are definitely the most important.
Awww 3 top things hmmm….. Well I’m still new to this game I’ve been going hard at workout classes for over a month now and loving it but my top 3 would be
-1. Definitely a drink bottle even 2 I can drink one easily while I workout and some after!
-2. My workout roll for on the floor cardio like push-ups, planks and sit ups!!
-3. A towel!! I can’t believe how much I love having a towel to wipe away the sweat!
I have found so many other things I need though so I now take a backpack with me!
P.s I just stumbled across this page, love it!!
1- Headphones
2- Water bottle
3- training/workout journal+pen for recording all that valuable data my little brain just wont remember!
I usually carry a lot of stuff with me , i like to prepare for any situation but if i had to pick the most important 3 items it would be:
1. water ! drink lots and lots and lots of water
2. Phone with Spotify. Love their range of music and music lists for gym
3. Comfortable sportsbra
1) my first must have is water, i am always re filling my water bottle several times while working out at the gym.
2) My second must have is gym outfit, tights, trainers and singlet.
3) my third must have is a protein shake, weather i have it pre workout or post workout depends on when i last ate and how my energy levels are.
My top 3 are drink bottle, deodorant and a spare top just in case! Love the hair tie idea though so will pop a few in my bag!
1) Towel
2) Water
3) headphones
Definitely my headphone, a water bottle and a hair tie!
OOh I love this post!! My top 3
1) More than 1 hairtie (as murphy’s law they always snap when you don’t have any spare!)
2) Water – got to keep hydration levels up
3) Banana – tastes delicious after a workout
Always need a towel or I end up trying to wipe the sweat off on my shirt which never works as well! Definitely my iPod but with the arm band – falls out of my pocket if I try and put it other places and sports bra!! I’ve totally forgotten it before and there’s just no way you can work out in your regular old t-shirt bra!
water, hairties and my music
I always have to have a towel, water and my asthma inhaler, I can get midway going hunnits on the treadmill and find my chest constricting and breathing short so to avoid a harsh death this puppy is a necessity! Us asthmatics have it tough I tell ya!
water hair ties deodorant
#1 Water bottle – we aren’t allowed to train without one.
#2 BCAA’s for post workouts
#3 Gum! Chewing helps me manage those preworkout nerves.
MUST have:
1. Water bottle!! – Gotta hydrate as I’m a sweater lol
2. Hair Tie – Have to have my afro tamed while working out, total nuisance if it’s in my face
3. Decent towel – Gym towels are ok, but I don’t like paying for them lol
The most important item for me is my hair tie as I just can’t concentrate when I’ve got hair all over my sweaty face.
Second item is my hand towel for wiping the sweat off my body.
Lastly the third item is the mandoratory drink bottle for keeping myself hydrated during my workout.
I always have an extra – empty, clean, water bottle. I dropped mine one day and it cracked so now I’m always prepared!
Extra hair ties are a must, there’s nothing worse than getting tangled up in untied hair
Gym swipe card – the number of times I have gotten to the gym and realized I didn’t have my card! So now it stays in my bag
My top three items are a water bottle, lip conditioner and the Nellie Tier ylang ylang and lavender face mist, to freshen up!
I take a water bottle, my ipod and a hair-tie
1) Headphones For motivational beats
2) Water bottle, never fun when I forget that
3) Gym Towel
My Top 3 Must haves for my Gym Bag have got to be
Water Bottle, Towel and Ipod/Smartwatch
My top 3 items are:
1. Water bottle
2. Change of clothes
3. Towel
My 3 must haves are spare socks, hairtie and lip balm! I feel soo uncomfortable when I am about to start a workout and my lips are really dry
Headphones and ipod is a must have! you need your music to get you going!
A roll on or spray, so after that long workout and shower, if you shower at the gym, either way pack one so you don’t smell of yucky sweat xD
Pads (U by Kotex) is a good brand to use, you don’t want to be halfway through your workout and realise it’s that time of the month again.
A water bottle, a must have, been to the gym before and forgot mine, was not a good day.
a clean pair of socks
A towel to wipe that sweat away.
Water bottle, protein bar, yoga mat
cannot go without a backup phone charger – its always the case I get to the gym and the phone / ipod has died! nothing worse..and always a clean towel
I hate leaving anything behind! I have forgotten socks and spare undies. I call it dedication lol
Mine are:
Hair ties – my hair gets all over my face and it blinds me!
A Towel
My gym must haves are very simple:
* water bottle
* sweat towel
* hair tie
A wee towel for mopping up sweat
Awesome post.
Top 3 would have to be
Water .. love water
Lip balm .. always need lip balm
Phone .. from music and to catch up on posts
Never thought of dry shampoo but must try it
Towel iPod headphones water protein gum and workout written down!
1) water bottle
2) creatine
3) shaker
4) protein
5) spare shirt
6) spare shorts
7) spare socks
These are the essentials… Imagine the non essentials such as deep heat, ice spray, wrist wraps, goggles (for swimming training every now and again), prepped lunch and spare water bottle… My bag is one of those awesome ones from rebel, bigger so I can carry more stuff >:)
My top 3 essentials: towel, water bottle and a banana! Bananas are awesome quick and easily digestible snacks for when you’re needing replenishing and anyone who knows me knows I cannot survive without my water bottle so I would probably actually have a couple in there just to be safe!! Plus of course a towel to mop up that sweat, and occasionally I get reactions to the cleaners used on gym equipment so I have to lie a towel under me when I do bench press or go on any machine that you sit on to stop that from happening!
Top three: Spare hair ties, extra socks, water bottle! (And my phone with headphones to GPS track my running and listen to music to distract me – but that’s never far from my side!)
1. Drink Bottle
2. iPod
3. Socks
Definitely spare socks – absence of socks will crush a workout
Hand wraps – if the gyms really busy the boxing room is always quiet!
ipod so you don’t have to listen to ads on the radio!
My top 3 must haves are: my water bottle (seriously, who would not take one with them?), my phone (for music, youtube, and apps), and some kind of snack to tuck into once I’m done =)
My must haves are definitely….
a water bottle – such a hassle if I have to use the water fountain during a workout
spare headphones – nothing worse than going through a workout without motivation in the form of my music!
an asthma inhaler – because my asthma flares up when I exercise, its the one thing I absolutely must have to make sure Im safe to go hard in cardio workouts.
luckily I usually have a hair tie on my wrist, otherwise it would be on my list too!
My top three must haves are…
1. Ipod! I have to have my own music! It gets me moving and I enjoy the workout more.
2. Water bottle! I hate getting dehydrated. Lots of fluid and I keep going.
3. Goggles! Goggles for the pool! Love going for a swim after being in the gym to wind down! It cools me down too!
Must have:
1. hair ties
2. undies
3. water bottle
Water bottle
Sweat band for head
My three would be drink bottle,cellphone ,sweat towel
My top 3:
Water – a must!
Sweat towel – even for draping over benches or using on the squat bar
Exercise journal – so I can track my progress!
Definitely water and tunes. I so need to plug in when doing exercise at the gym. Makes the whole experience less painful! I also have a towel, partly to wipe the sweat from my brow but also out of consideration to those that follow where I’ve been!! Can’t stand it when someone elses sweat is on the equipment!!
In addition to your list – my top 3 items are:
– Asthma inhaler (for HITT workouts)
– Gym towel (I get a little sweaty!!)
– Protein powder (ready to make post-workout)
Socks. Undies. Towel.
My gym bag also has a permanent toilet bag with bodywash, cleanser, moisteriser, deoderant, hairties. Never leaves my bag.
Water bottle, lip balm and socks.
water bottle
shoes!! (forgotten them a couple of times)
headphones (see above)
typing quick as it is 7.58pm and this closes at 8!!
Drink bottle ( had a screw off section in bottom that keep my gym access in fir 24hr gym)
Spare hair ties ( long hair so these are a must)
Spare head phones. (Liked own sounds)
Interesting to see everybody’s gym bag essentials. I always pack my gym bag the night before and have done so for years. Saves me forgetting something in the morning chaos. I train in muay thai and boxing so my kit bag is always choka:
1. Water Bottle
2. Towel
3. Gym clothes
4. Trainers
5. Hand Wraps
6. Boxing Gloves
7. Gum Shield
8. Shin Pads
Well, I have just checked my gym bag and found only boxing gloves, belt, water bottle and shaker there =))