Do you ever look at those people who have their life 100% together and are really living a dream life and wonder how on earth you can get that for yourself??
If you’re looking at your life at the moment and thinking that you want more from it then you really do need to read on, even if you love your life as it is currently there is nothing to be lost from learning how to fiercely achieve everything you want in life!
Here are 6 ways to fiercely achieve EVERYTHING you want in life!
// Unleash the Power of Goal Setting
I’m a big advocate for the power of goal setting. How will you know if you’ve reached where you want to be if you never set a goal to begin with? I set goals in all areas of my life each year and re-evaluate them often. Some people like to create vision boards, others prefer lists or just mental images in their heads. Find what works for you, set big goals and break them down into bite-sized chunks and go to work on them everyday.
// Don’t Rely on Others
Don’t rely on others for your happiness or to reach your goals. While other people can inadvertently help you achieve the life you want, you should never put your goals and life directly into someone else’s hands. Who knows what they will give you or where their priorities really lie, I’d say they’ll look after themselves first, just like you should!
// Believe in yourself
This one can be tough. There will be plenty of times where you will wonder whether or not you will be able to have the life of your dreams. Some thoughts you will likely have are: Am I good enough for this? Do I deserve it? Can I really make it happen? Oh but it’s easier and simpler to just get complacent. You ARE enough, You DO deserve it and screw simple and easy, simple and easy never got anyone a fiercely awesome life!
// Find your Tribe
While you shouldn’t rely on others, you should find your tribe! By this I mean a group of people who are on the same journey as you, those who are already leading fiercely amazing lives. People that inspire you to achieve greatness and bring your A game each and every day. Your tribe should be a group of people (or even just 1 person) who get you, they get where you want to go, they have the same struggles but have pushed through and are living the life you want to live.
// Make the Journey Fun
You only get one life, there is no point hating every second of something. If you’re not having fun and enjoying what you are doing you need to mix it up or change course. There will be times when you have to do some dirty work that won’t be as enjoyable as the others but you should largely be enjoying what you are doing and the life you are creating while you are creating it as opposed to right at the end!
// Never Settle
I’ve point this point last because I want you to remember it the most. NEVER SETTLE! Never settle for anything less than what you truly desire, work hard and play hard to design the life of your dreams. Visualise what it looks like each and every day until you are living your visions. Don’t settle for yourself or for anyone else, don’t let anything get in the way of your dream life!
This post was brought to you by U by Kotex. Women who use U by Kotex are full of strength, character, ambition and courage. They don’t let things stand in their way (least of all their periods), let people tell them they can’t, or listen to the naysayers; they’re the go-get-‘em type who know themselves, know what they’re capable of and are excited by what they can do. – Women just like YOU!
As always all opinions and words are my own.
Thanks to U by Kotex I have two 2017 Passion Planners to giveaway, one for you and one for a friend! A Passion Planner is a diary/to do list/gratitude journal/goal setting book all in one, I can’t wait for mine to arrive and I know that it will help you to set your goals, dream big and keep on track for achieving everything you want in life!
To be in to win simply comment below and let us know your best tip for fiercely achieving everything you want in life…..
My best tip for achieving things in life is to have faith in yourself. If you believe you can do it, you can.
I just went balls to the wall to find a new job and I got one because I believed I was good enough to fill that role and I would not take no for an answer when it came to my skill set.
The best things for me is to ask loads of question write everything down.
Really enjoy this and will try harder to enjoy life more. Spend alot of time fussing around cleaning and child development that would be nice to just chill and enjoy. Would love a new planner for next year enjoy writing everything down.
I have so many plans for next year, it’s definitely going to be a full on one! This year got off to a pretty slow start after moving to a different part of the country, and now I’m at one of the craziest times of my life. I seriously love this post and these are some tips I need to incorporate into my life more.
I am definitely one for making small steps towards my goals. I write them down, I visualise them every day, and every day I try and do 1 little thing to help me move towards my goal. I definitely work best if I have a planner, so here’s hoping I can win this hahahaha!
Create a vision board and set regular weekly, monthly and yearly goals for yourself! Think Big and have fun!!
Have your goals written somewhere or in a kind of form so that you can track your progress to see how far you’ve come. It can be hard to stay motivated when the end goal seems so far away but breaking it down and tracking progress is the best way to stay on top of it! I’m (hopefully) going to be starting a full-time job next year as I’m finishing study this year and I will be in desperate need of a good planner to help me get through 2017!
I find that breaking the goal into smaller parts works best so that you can track your progress easier. It can be hard to stay motivated when the end goal seems so far away! I’m (hopefully) going to be starting full-time work next year after finishing study this year so I am in desperate need of a planner to get me through 2017!
Definitely SMART goal setting and surrounding yourself with people who help you on your journey and encourage me to believe in myself!
I use SMART goal setting and also have a private board on Pinterest for all my motivational and fitness things that no one else can see:) also have 2106 planner and try stick to my weekly goals – good things take time and I’ve learnt not to give up
Creating goals and then achievable steps towards those goals. Being kind to yourself along the way and not operating out of a stressful place but a place of rest. Prioritising is big since it’s unrealistic to achieve everything especially if you have kids. Putting the right things first
I reckon the best way is to try wake up happy everyday, do something in your day that makes your smile. Even if it is just singing in the car or listening to the birds chirp. Be grateful for life.
make yourself a priority and set time aside to do things that are purely for you
I love this post! It’s so easy to sleepwalk through life doing everything you think you should be doing but ending up miserable. I am a big fan of goal setting and planning what you need to achieve your goals. I also think small steps can go a long way.
My tip is to make time for yourself, love yourself and you can achieve anything
My tip is to make time for yourself. Love yourself and you can achieve anything!
Remember, always, to breathe. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by everything – but taking a moment to just breathe helps to put it in perspective and get shit done!
Aim high that way you’ll always reach the mountains. Never underestimate yourself you can do great things.
Do it like it’s your last day, life is short put yourself first
Don’t be afraid to go against the status quo and take the risks that will lead you to fulfilling your real passion and living life the way you want to!
Set goals and write them down. Also have a support network that helps keep you accountable
I try and do one job / task a day in my to do list that I have besides the usual housework etc. That way it’s not so daunting.
My tip is – always believe in yourself, write your goals down and tick them off your list as tou accomplish them. And “head up high”!
Goal setting! I love setting my goals and achieving them. It helps me feel like I’m getting somewhere
My tip is to avoid comparing yourself to others, it can so easily bring you down and set you back. This has been a huge help in my life!
I would love to win this prize! I feel a bit lost in 2016 and I want 2017 to be the best year!
My tip is coming to a place of knowing you are just as worthy as those you look up too and that we all have different but just as valuable qualities about us that can help is succeed! It’s amazing what we can do when we know we are worth it !
My tip is manifesting! I totally believe in the law of attraction and putting out to the universe what you want to receive
My tip that I had to learn the hard way is always put you first. If you don’t allow yourself to be your top priority then everything you always hope to achieve never will be either.
My tip is to go out of your comfort zone even though you know its hard but if its something you want to achieve to help yourself, then go after it and never stop!!
I truly believe, life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. You have to throw yourself out there to let the wind catch you and carry you to a new destination.
My best tip is always have something to be grateful for, and that keeps you going through even the worst moments <3
Loved this post, girl. For real. All of these are on point. I think to live that fierce life, we need to fall in love with the process of creating ourselves into the women we want to be. Narrow our focus, and go deeper. It’s all about getting real, authentic, down to the nitty gritty. And love ourselves through that process, while keeping that end goal in mind – the woman we dream of becoming. <3
Simply believe in yourself
I find goal swapping with a friend is useful! You can keep each other on track and accountable
Believe in yourself and you’re halfway there
A positive attitude and MAKE LISTS!!! I feel so productive checking off a to do list
Keep focussed on the “why” behind your goal – it can help you stay motivated to keep moving forward and achieving it
Don’t expect great things to happen instantly. They take time, commitment and patience.
Beleiving I AM WORTH IT! is the beginning for me. i didn’t for a long time and am starting to make inroads into creating a better life now. Not listening to negative people and surrounding yourself with people who truly care about you .
The path to your success is not always going to be straight & well executed no matter how many lists & plans are made…. because during your path there are bumps, slides, cliffs you may have to jump, bridges to cross, U turns & detours…. you change & are forever recreating yourself…. know its okay to follow your heart & always, ALWAYS Get back up, lift your head cos girl you’ve got this!
Commit to the goal and plan with steps to achieve it, cross off as you go
Make sure to help someone else achieve their goals every day! It will make you happy happy!
Don’t let obstacles stop you only let them delay you while you work around them
Back yourself. Believe utterly that you can accomplish it, take risks, and have a back up plan in mind. Sleep enough so things feel more manageable.
This is sooo perfect! I was planning on getting a planner (haha) next year (no point this year as it’s almost over) because I have some big ambitions for 2017. I am on a huge health and fitness journey right now that I’m totally rockin’, and this has given me the encouragement that, if I can do that, I can do everything else I put my mind to also. I hope, hope, HOPE I win this – there are big things afoot :).
Personal tip that I go by is to have a goal to learn something new every day. It could be a skill, or brushing up on a new language or just researching something I found interesting during the day. I feel great even doing a small accomplishment as I would a larger one. I’m planning on studying further next year, and have looked into how I’m going to manage that with adult life
My best tip would be no matter how many obstacles you need to overcome you have to keep pushing forward and hold onto that dream. No one can stop you achieving what you want to in life. Obstacles just make us more determined to get back on track. So don’t see them as a road block, see them as a challenge to prove how hard your going to work for that dream!
I would LOVE to win this ultimate planner for my partner and I xx please enter us in the draw to win
I loove goal setting!! I find it makes me so much more motivated and have such good vibes when I am able to cross things off!!
My tip would have to be to go out of your comfort zone, but be comfortable while doing it! What I mean is you should try new things to better yourself as a person, but wear what you feel most comfortable in. If you’re uncomfortable and tugging at your clothes all day, you aren’t going to have as much confidence, and confidence is everyone’s best friend!
Have faith in yourself, make time for just “me” times, eat well and drink lots of water♡ find something you love doing and have fun doing it, wear those clothes you put away for special times stuck in your wardrobe for years/drink from the fine China in your cab nit cos you only live once so embrace it, &when times are hard and your struggling remember to breathe say it is what it is and make the first step forward to making it a better situation
I always think how would you eat an elephant. One bite ata time. Break it down to small steps and celebrate those achievements. That is what makes me achieve the huge goals!
Organization! IT’S everything to me! I have such a bad memory! AND having realistic goals, so good trying to achieve the unrealistic!
Not sweating the small stuff!!
The best thing for me is having faith in myself and believing I can do it! Its amazing so much a little bit of self love can make a difference
Don’t stress the small stuff, always make time for friends and family, and having a -dream board’ helps me visualize what I want to achieve
Know who your are and stick with it xx
What a great post! This totally applies to me with my attitude towards my business.
My tip is, set plans! Write down your goals and break it down into bite sized pieces, then set your mind on those bite sized chunks and be determined to get them done!
Make time for yourself and keep pushing for your goals – even when those around you drop off
Set the intention, believe and let it go to the universe.
Self care! You have to look after yourself and make time for self care to achieve thise dreams
U can never stop learning big changes for 2017 yipppeee
2016 has been what I call turbulent. Long hours at work which affected my health, wellbeing and even my mental health. My take-out from this is work isn’t everything and I’m more important. I’m slowing getting my life back and feeling like me again but it isn’t an overnight fix. I’m now make sure I take time out for much needed ‘me time’. Have started to set goals for the rest of the year and leading into 2017 taking small steps at a time.
Know your values. When you get crystal clear on your true priorities everything starts to fall into place!
Awesome post! Making specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals will help you get there faster. Especially setting short-term goals for every week. Get an accountability buddy and exercise log and you are on your way! Your abs really 80% made in the kitchen. Eating clean, staying hydrated, and proper form and technique should be priority when trimming down your middle.