I bet you have at least one friend who ALWAYS seems to be happy, has a positive vibe and things just always seem to go well for them?!
I find it really interesting to look into what really makes people happy and the habits of truly happy people.
I can personally say that I have discovered some things that I do on a day to day basis which make me incredibly happy and I could never go back to the way I was prior to discovering these things!
Let’s get into the guts of today’s post:
6 Habits of Truly Happy People!
// Spending Money on Events not Things
This is one of the things I really truly wish that more people would take into consideration. Things do not make you happy in the long run, sure there is the initial buzz of having something pretty and new but it soon wears off. I used to be a collector of things, generally clothing was pretty high on my purchasing list. These days I still treat myself occasionally but am a lot more mindful of these type of purchases. I now prefer to spend money on events or travel over physical things. I often find myself thinking back to trips I have taken or concerts we have been too and smiling to myself remembering how happy I was at those points in time. I almost never think back to things I purchased years prior and catch myself smiling about them.
// Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude has been something that has come and gone for me. When I find myself thinking about something negatively I always try to catch myself and think about the positives. As I am trying to fall asleep at night I think about the things I am grateful for that day. Whenever I am having a bad day, week or month I turn to practicing gratitude more than ever and it really does seem to turn things around for me. Focusing on the good really does seem to bring about more good and happiness, where focusing on the negative seems to bring about more negative emotions and feelings.
// Pursuing the ‘What if’s’
Dream big. Just do it. Live in the moment. These are common sayings that we often say to people but forget about ourselves. If you have a burning desire to do something, go somewhere, say something, then damn well do it! Pursue the ‘what if’s’ – for if you don’t you may regret it and regret is the biggest bitch ever! Sometimes we stop ourselves from doing things due to fear, I am trying to stop when I feel the fear set in and step back for a minute and ask myself if I am likely to regret not doing whatever it is that I am fearful of. If the answer is yes, I need to get myself to do it. If the answer is no, I reassess whether or not it is important to me.
// Forgiveness
Forgiveness can be really tough, especially if it is someone who is close to you or who means a lot to you who has hurt you or betrayed you. Forgiving small things can be as easy as talking things out and moving on, forgiving the bigger things can be a lot harder and something you need to deal with before you can truly move on. Sometimes you need to recognise that bitterness you have inside you towards a certain person or event and then make the conscious decision to forgive that person no matter what it takes, just so you can move on with your life.
// Let go of things you can’t control
Don’t sweat the small stuff, hanging on to things which may or may not happen or that are out of your control generally leads to anxiety about the situation or event. Something I often do is ask myself ‘will this matter in 10 years time?’ – if the answer is no I try to forget about it and move on. Remember sometimes you can’t control what is happening or what someone is saying but you can control how you react to it.
// Surround yourself with positive people
You don’t need others approval or people being negative in your life. Sometimes it is hard because people in your friendship circle or even your family may be bringing the negativity into your life. Practice your gratitude and spend more time with the people in your life who are positive and can see things with a positive spin and you’ll soon find yourself being more positive and therefore more happy as well.
Do you have any of the above habits?? – Comment below and let me know, I love hearing from you!
It,s my pleasure to meet you here. I am really very happy to read this great suggestive habit of happy people. I enjoyed and learned very much while reading. I really support your views on truely happy people where each and every habits are wonderful.
I like your tip which is practicing to express gratitude which is really great necessary to everyone. Even happy people have already available this habit. I like the habit of forgiveness which awesome. Really these all habits make people’s life full of happiness.
Thanks for sharing such informative things..
Have a nice day ahead..
– Ravi.