What is metabolism? Metabolism is the term often used to describe the complex biochemical process that converts the foods you eat into the energy your body needs to function. We often equate metabolism with “fat burning”, or the oxidation (burning) of fats at the cellular level converting them to fuel, much like adding coal to the fire of a locomotive.
Metabolism works through two very different components, anabolism and catabolism. Catabolism is the process that burns food for fuel and produces the energy required for all activity in the cells and the body. Anabolism supports the growth of new cells, the maintenance of body tissues, and the storage of energy (fat storage) for future use. When you train with weights and build muscle tissue, you are said to be in an anabolic state.
Many factors affect your metabolism – the composition of your body, the foods you eat and how active you are. If you are concerned with weight loss, adding lean muscle while reducing body fat or maintaining your current weight, there are safe and effective natural methods to increase or boost your metabolism to burn more body fat. The best way to increase metabolism is by creating a demand to burn more calories – to use more calories than you consume.
Here are 4 sure fire ways to increase or boost your metabolism:
// Exercise
The more you move, the faster your metabolism and more calories you burn. Moderate exercise burns moderate calories while intense exercise burns many more. You can also increase your metabolism through weight training which increases lean muscle mass while burning fat deposits, once you have more muscle mass, your body will burn even more calories to support that added muscle tissue.
// Increase your daily activity level
Above and beyond the gym, find ways to increase your movement throughout the day. Walk, climb stairs, avoid elevators and escalators, park on the perimeter of the parking lot or top level of the parking garage, to boost your metabolism and lose fat and weight more quickly.
// Eat smaller but more frequent meals
Divide your daily intake into 5 or 6 smaller meals and snacks spread throughout the day. Each meal should include proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats and fatty acids and include water to aid digestion and metabolic processes. Eating more frequently will stabilise your blood sugar and hormone levels and boost your metabolism without the peaks and valleys of a normal diet of 2-3 meals. Don’t skip meals or drastically reduce your caloric intake, your body will actually slow your metabolism in order to conserve fat and energy.
// Add some spice to your meals
Spices add more than flavor to your food, they also boost your metabolism. Hot spicy foods and spices like cayenne pepper cause you to sweat and increase your body temperature and your metabolism. Cinnamon stabilises blood sugar and can increase your metabolism with as little as 1/4 teaspoon. Ginger and turmeric also boosts your metabolism while reducing inflammation. Try my Lemon and Ginger Energy Balls!