I’m a huge fan of goal setting. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there? While I understand that more often that not it’s more about the journey than the destination, I really feel that goals help to keep you on track and accountable.
I shared my recap of my 2016 goals yesterday and today I thought I would share a few of my 2017 goals with you! I don’t share all of my goals as there are some that I like to keep to myself, however here are a bunch of my goals for 2017!
For 2017 I set goals in 6 main areas of my life…. Powerlifting, Travel, Bootcamp (our business goals), Blog, Scentsy and Personal/Other.
// Two NZ Records
I have 1 tentative NZ record currently in the 57kg class, My goal for 2017 is to secure at least two records. I know exactly which ones I am gunning for, but I’ll keep that to myself for now
// Compete Overseas
After not being chosen for the Oceania team and then finally making the B team (and winning our class but only getting 1 medal as I was only entered in the Oceania portion), I have a HUGE goal to push myself to the limits and be chosen for a team to compete overseas!
// Top 3 Female Raw Powerlifters in NZ
Another big, lofty goal of mine! I didn’t even know this existed until my Coach Carli told me I’d made #16 on the list after Nationals. After Oceanias I managed to sneak up to #9 (and if the EABC competition counted I would have snuck up to #6), so I’ve set a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) to get within the top 3 in 2017!
// 1 New Place in NZ
These travel goals are always on my list and will be for as long as I possibly can! I want to travel to at least one new place in New Zealand, I don’t have anywhere in particular in mind for this yet, we will see what opportunities 2017 brings.
// 1 New Place Overseas
Another one which is always on my list! After 2016 and being able to do TWO international trips (Bali and USA), I wasn’t sure if we would be able to do one in 2017 or not, BUT we already have one booked! (Secret Squirrel on this one, but if it pans out as I want it too, it should also knock off one of my other goals ;))
// 2-3 Posts per Week Consistently
Same as last year, I actually would like this to be closer to 3-4 posts per week but this will depend largely on what else life throws at me and I don’t want to mentally commit to something that I may not be able to follow through with. If I get more I’ll be stoked but if I can only average 2-3 per week I’ll still be happy!
// Run at least 1 Challenge
I ran a 12 week challenge in 2016 with a small group of ladies and really enjoyed it. I loved helping people and hearing how their bodies had changed by the end of the challenge! I’ve set myself a goal of running at least 1 challenge during 2017 even though I would love to run more of them, I think 1 is a good goal to start with!
// Promote to Star Consultant
My Scentsy business isn’t something I talk about that often because I don’t want people to think I am pushing something on them as I know how uncomfortable that can be. I’ve done pretty well so far with the approach I have been taking and promoting to the next level is another big goal for me in 2017! (If you do want your house to smell amazing then you definitely should check out Scentsy ;))
Personal / Other
// Back Yourself
BACK YOURSELF are the underlying words for me for 2017. It’s something I’ve never really done and I need to do. It’s the reason we’ve already booked an international flight for 2017 and the reason why I have some very lofty goals on the 2017 goal list! There are some other goals which I have written in my Passion Planner, but not written down in this blog post which also revolve around backing myself. All going to plan 2017 is going to be another big year!
These by far are not all the goals I have for the year but they are a bit of a taster of the goals I set for myself. Some I really want to do this year because I am at the point in my life that it really is now or never and others I just want to do because I can and because it will be bettering myself – which is always my goal.
What are some of your goals for 2017??
Great set of goals here Amanda
You’re going to have a fantastic year!
Thanks Sam! So are you, kicking off 2017 with a wedding!!
These are some realistic goals. All the best! Hope, you achieve all of them.