Each year I set myself a few goals and try to review them at least a couple of times a year to see how I am going. I don’t generally make the goals things like most people would make resolutions such as loosing weight, giving up junk food or anything like that.
In 2014 I had set myself six goals which I put up on the blog, along with a number of of other goals which I had written down in a spreadsheet (because accountants like spreadsheets!). I set goals into a number of categories including for the blog, finance, fitness and travel.
2014 Goal Review
· To run a half marathon – no go due to my ankle injury a couple of months before the half marathon so this has been moved to the 2015 goal list.
· To travel to at least one new place in NZ – done! We went over to Whakatane for the half marathon that I never ended up starting (and it ended up being the worst weekend ever weather wise and the half marathon was actually cancelled!).
· To travel to at least one new place overseas – done, at the start of the year we did a trip to vietnam, I had been to Ho Chi Minh before but not to any of the other cities we visited!
· Complete a photo book – nope didn’t happen, I have been bad at doing photos since we moved to Auckland, this will change when we get back to Wanganui.
· Tick at least 5 items off the bucket list – I think I only managed three of these unfortunately, getting the half marathon would have made it four.
· Obtain the Personal Training certification – done!
For 2015 I haven’t sat down and really looked at my goals yet however I will share some of the ones that I know are definitely on the list and keep some private as I did last year. I have some huge goals related to this blog and since I have just taken on a new (old) job back in Wanganui (Yep, we are moving early 2015!) which is three days per week for most of the year I will have more time to work on the blog!
2015 Goals
- Complete a half marathon
- Complete a Triathlon
- Travel to one new place in NZ
- Travel to one new place overseas
- Cross at least three items off the bucket list
- Go to the movies at least once a month (or more!)
Last year we also had a goal to eat more fish and more vegetables which we have definitely accomplished as we have been having salmon at least once per week and vegetables with pretty much every meal! This year we have a goal to go out to the movies more often!
I will review these goals at least once during 2015 to see what I have managed to cross off. I am a little bit (okay a lot) nervous about the half marathon and triathlon goals as my swimming is NOT good at all, I wouldn’t call it swimming, I would call it keeping myself from drowning! The half marathon also makes me nervous as my ankle is still not healed from the injury earlier in the year.
What are your 2015 goals??
I hear you about the photos- I am a bit behind and I make photo albums for a job so I have been working frantically over the holidays. I want to take this year to do more album making for my own family, rather than doing everything for other people and design teams.
That’s always the way If you do something for a job I reckon, you never get too it as much in your personal life’s albums are so important as they help keep the memories alive so it’s definitely good to try and get them done
Sounds great! If you don’t mind me asking, what company did you do the PT certification through?
Of course Amie
I went through nzihf in auckland 
Sounds good. I’m with you on the photo book. I need to do one for our wedding photos from last year. Who are you thinking of using to make yours? Was looking today at different providers, but recommendations are always good
PS you did a lot in 2014! Awesome about your PT qualification, that is one big achievement.