Do you ever have those moments where you just can’t be bothered leaving the house but know that you really should get a workout in? My 20 minute at home bodyweight workout will be perfect for you, so read on to find out exactly what you’re going to be doing.
I have put a 20 minute time limit on this at home bodyweight workout because 20 minutes is a decent length of time to really get a sweat up, but not long enough that it seems too daunting to start.
This 20 minute at home bodyweight workout is in an AMRAP format – this stands for ‘As many rounds as possible’. This just means that you set your stop watch for 20 minutes (most cell phones have this function) and go through it as many times as you can from start to finish until the 20 minute timer goes off. This format means that you can take it at your own pace and take breaks where ever you need to without dragging the workout out for longer.
I’ve also formatted this at home bodyweight workout so that each exercise increases in repetitions by 10, so the first exercise you perform 10, the second 20 and so on until you get to the last exercise which is 60 repetitions. Once you have completed this exercise you just cycle back to the first exercise until your 20 minute time is up.
AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 Press Ups
20 Get Ups
30 Mountain Climbers
40 Squats
50 Bicycle Crunches
60 High Knees
// Press Ups
There are so many different variations of press ups that I wrote a separate blog post about them. Choose the one which is challenging for you but manageable at this point in time, this will be different for everyone. Check out my post on push up progressions here to find out which one you would like to do.
// Get Ups
Get Ups are exactly what they sound like. If you think of yourself getting out of bed in the morning this is pretty much what a getup is. Start lying down completely flat with your legs extended and flat on the ground and then stand up which ever way you want until you are standing straight up and down and then get back down to the starting position and repeat.
// Mountain Climbers
Begin in the top of a full push-up position facing downwards. Now bring one foot in as close to your chest as possible, then step it back out to the beginning position. Repeat with the other leg. Start out walking your legs in and then work your way up to being able to run your legs in each time.
// Squats
Start with your feet about shoulder width apart and keeping your foot planted firmly on the ground squat down as low as you can get. This will be a different point for everybody depending on your current fitness and flexibility as well as other factors, don’t worry if you can’t squat all the way down to begin with just keep working on it.
// Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches effectively look as though you are trying to pedal a bike in the air, you start lying down on the ground facing towards the ceiling and then bring your knees up to a 90 degree angle. By trying to reach your opposite arm to touch your knee and then swapping to the other arm trying to touch the other knee you will start to making a bicycle motion.
// High Knees
High knees are another exercise which can be as easy or as hard as you make it. The easiest version is simply standing up straight and bringing one knee up as high and you can and then standing back up straight and repeating the same on the other leg. The harder version is where you perform the same thing but you run it out so you are running your knees up as high as you can.
Let me know how many rounds you manage to complete in the comments below
Which exercise are you most looking forward to trying??