I’ve been trying to post more workouts on the blog, especially ones which you can do at home without any equipment. With summer well on its way I thought it would be a great time to put together a quick Booty Blasting workout to get your bum ready for the Bikini weather! [Read to the end to see how you can be in to win a $50 Rebel Sport Voucher for you & a friend!]
The only thing you will need for this workout is yourself, a mat or towel to perform the exercises on and an interval timer app on your smart phone. If you don’t have a smart phone just keep an eye on a clock which has a second-hand on it.
We are going to be completing this 15 Minute Booty Blasting Workout in a Tabata format. A Tabata is simply four minutes of exercise broken down into 8 segments of 20 seconds each. You work for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds and then work for another 20 seconds on a second exercise and then have another 10 seconds rest and repeat this cycle until you have completed a total of 8 work sections or a total of each exercise completed four times.
To begin set your interval timer to 8 intervals of 20 seconds and 8 intervals of 10 seconds alternating. You will have one minute rest in between each 4 minute round and we will be doing three full rounds of different tabatas. So you will have Tabata 1, 1 minute rest, Tabata 2, 1 Minute Rest, Tabata 3, Recover – which brings us to a total of 14 minutes but a 15 Minute Booty Blasting Workout sounded better than 14 minutes
I’ve created gif’s of each of the exercise solely because I find gif’s hilarious and hoped that you might get a little giggle out of them while also getting a feel for how to perform each of the exercises! Because gif’s are so funny it makes me less self-conscious of the fact that I am in the images which is nice
Speaking of being self-conscious, when I used to go to a commercial gym I was always quite conscious of performing any glute exercises but even more so when I had my period as I always felt as though traditional pads were bunching, which combined with gym tights is just not a pretty look. I often wished that someone would design an ultrathin product that was designed specifically for sport and exercise for this reason.
I was always worried that they won’t move with my body and you will either be able to see them through my tights, or even worse – leakage! Lucky for us females U by Kotex® Sport Ultrathins have been created to solve this exact problem, the first ultrathin pad designed specifically for sport! The super-absorbent flexfit core moulds with your body, providing protection against leaks during the most vigorous of exercise. You can get a free sample of the new U by Kotex® Sport Ultrathins here
Let’s get into the Workout to give you a Beyoncé Booty in no time (okay in 15 minutes per session!)
Tabata Round 1
Heel Lifts Right Hand Side, Leg Raises Right Hand Side, Heel Lifts Left Hand Side, Leg Raises Left Hand Side – Repeat * 2
// Heel Lifts
Begin down on a mat (or the carpet) on all fours, simply lift one heel up towards the roof as high as you can and then return down to the ground. Repeat with that same leg until the timer goes off.
// Leg Raises
Lie down on one side and lift your leg and high as you can towards the roof and then return back to rest on the top of your other leg, repeat.
Tabata Round 2
Pulse Squats, Sumo Squats * 4 rounds of each alternating between the exercises.
// Pulse Squats
Start in the standing position and then squat down as low as you can comfortably, then bring yourself up about halfway to the standing point and then squat back down to your lowest point and then bring yourself back up to standing.
// Sumo Squats
Take a wide stance, as wide as you can go without feeling as though you are about to snap in two. Squat down from this position, note that you will likely not be able to go as deep as normal and then stand back up. Repeat.
Tabata Round 3
Curtsey Lunges Right Hand Side, Glute Bridges, Curtsey Lunges Left Hand Side, Glute Bridges – Repeat * 2
// Curtsey Lunges
Start standing with your feet about shoulder distance apart, pretend as though you are about to curtsey taking one foot slightly behind and to the side of your other one and lunge down slightly. Returning to the standing position and repeat on the same leg.
// Glute Bridges
Start lying down with your feet flat on the ground, squeeze your bum and then slowly lift your hips off the ground until you have a nice straight line from your knees down to your belly, slowly lower back down to the ground (still squeezing the glutes) and repeat.
****WIN ****
Thanks to the U by Kotex® brand we have two $50 Rebel Sport Vouchers to giveaway to one lucky winner (1 for you & 1 for a friend!) simply comment below with which exercise you would like to try and let us know your friends name…
Closes 5pm 11th November. THIS COMPETITION IS NOW CLOSED!
This post was brought to you by U by Kotex® Brand, all content and opinions are my own. Don’t forget to get your free sample of the new U by Kotex® Sport Ultrathins here!
If you liked this post you may also like my post on how to maximize post workout recovery and therefore not feel so sore after working out HERE!
I love Tabata workouts! The only thing I haven’t done out of the exercises above is Curtsey Lunges so I’d love to try them.
The friend I’d share the voucher with is my amazing friend Gracie. She has had a difficult year and deserves a pick me up.
Have never tried the curtsey lunge so will be keen to give it a go. My daughter cajazmin David would love to win a rebels voucher too, she loves shopping at rebel sports.
Those gifs are great!!
Love Tabata – those heel raises and leg raises look killer (in a good way)
I would love to try pulse squats! My sister Tessa Jamieson will work out with me in our new Rebel Sport gear xx
The glute bridges! I would like a bit more shape to my flat butt.
Glute bridges a legit the best!
I’d try the glute bridge , I’d give the other voucher to Victoria radford because she has worked super hard and lost lots of weight .
And for Helen cutforth
The glute bridges look great….. sure to give a perky booty!! Love it! My friend for the $50 voucher is my mum Judith Aarts who has given up smoking so deserves a treat to help loose those extra kilos!
Will have to try this!!
I need a new way to step up and change up my boring routine my body is used to now
Can’t wait to get my booty into even better shape with these new booty blasting workouts! Bring on the bikinis and short shorts this summer!
looking for new ways to get my summer body ready for lots of time at the beach!
Need to do a few more sumo squats for the inner thighs…!
My PT partner Nicola and I are in desperate need for new gym gear – 10 weeks in to a 12 week challenge!
Have to get going!!!
This looks lie something I’d be keen to try. Sally Laurie
Glute bridges. And everything else!
Pulse squats to get my booty and thighs tight. Di Bailey (my mum) would love these too
Love it! Always keen for new work out routines!! Totally need new gym gear too!!
Bring on a booty I’m down for anything to keep my in shape or to work on a summer body no lying a little slacker over winter mist years…;)
Love to share with @Bethmyers get some motivation from this woman
I’m going to try these this week.
The Heel Lifts & Leg Raises would be my picks to try.
Pulse squats for my boots
love to win for me and Jacob carter
Booty I meant lol
Sumo squats, Chrystal Kennedy!
The Sumo squats – something I need to work on – love tabata though – its a great way to exercise. I’d share the voucher with my daughter Victoria who keeps me motivated and moving
Definitely need to try this x
the curtsey lunges for sure!
Sumo squats Id like to win for my sister too Michelle Clark
Tabata’s one of my favourite workouts!
Sumo squats hot to work on those thighs to get them short-ready! Cathryn Radley is my friends name
Awesome I hadn’t heard of tabata workouts before!! I’m going to add this into my daily exercise for sure! The exercise I haven’t tried is the curtsy lunge so I’ll give it a whirl tomorrow and the friend I would like to nominate is actually my best friend and partner Colin for all his support with my healthy eating and crazy busy workout schedule!!
Need to try this!!
awesome gifs, I know exactly what to buy at rebel sport
the sumo squats look awesome. Melissa Rankin Barns-Graham is my friend
Thanks alot for sharing all these tips… so handy!! Would share with my friend Kanhchana.
The glute bridge, would love to tighten my bum up Summah Thorpe. Tabatas rock, so short but so hard always feel like you have accomplished a great workout
Glut squats . Along with tightening the core I need to work on my inner thighs
The Sumo Squats! My husband Shawn Willis-Croft has been a great training buddy lately, even coming to Step Pump with me, I’m sure he could do with a voucher for some gear too.
Can not wait to try this
I havent tried the curtsey lunges so id definateky try that. the gkute bride is one of my favourite work outs. but over all the whole workout looks awesome. i need this because im a heavy bottomed person and have always had big bottom half but to be honest never really knew what workouts really would be beneficial. Thanks for this suggestion

Thanks Larissa Lee Winter for tagging me in post
This looks good!
Quick but effective!!!
Love the gifs, easier way of working it out. I’m going to try the curtsey lunge-dislike lunges so this will be my challenge as i do all the other exercises daily. Always hearing from my friend Christina to do lunges, she will be pleased to read this.
Pulse Squats for sure – I just tried these beauties and boy can you feel the burn straight away. It’s soo what we need to get our summer body ready. Thanks for sharing this awesome body blast move love eat, the moving pictures are soo helpfull so we no we are doing 100% right. Bring on summer !
As I’ve just booked flights to Rarotonga for my anniversary with my boyfriend, I really need to get working on my backside to feel better in my swimsuit. Love the GIFs, thank you. Definitely going to try the heel lifts (especially if I can convince my friend Sarah to join me).
Yay! Thank you for some ideas. I’m a beginner so the heel lifts would be on the top of my list to try first. Just the thing I was looking for, exercises to do at home that don’t involve equipment, my place is so small already. Dot would be keen to try them too, she is also a beginner
I need to start doing some pulse squats! I would love to give a voucher to my twin sister Juliet- she has worked so hard to lose 30kg and now needs some new workout gear so this would be a perfect opportunity for her.
Such an awesome post. I tried these exercises and they are a solid work out! Love the gifs, easier way of working it out too! Awesome!
Booty booty booty booty everywhere!
Love Tabata of any kind…yours is great and excellent with the gifs.

Definitely the squats
Looks good… just what I need
This is a great post, makes me want to try these experises.
Love to try the curtsey lunges with my gym buddy @kimberleybell

Love/hate relationship for bitty exercises! Bring it on!
Sumo squats is what if start with – Mr 2 will no doubt join me and gave a good giggle – my friend is Mel P
Love the gifs! I can be a bit lazy when I work out so having some pics to help motivate and instruct me is such a help!
Love tabata workout. Would do the glute bridges- definitely works all the muscles in the glutes
I feel so unmotivated at the mo. My baby is now 5mths old and i need to get back into fitness…just some nee new training tights would be great but i would also buy my partner something to get him motivated with me….good luck to all
Pulse Squats and my friend is Stephanie Gardner <3
I love tabata workouts!! The sumo squats look awesome. Not sure I am as co-ordinated as you though
I would give to my sister Tami 
Glute Bridges look good ! Stephen Cook needs to be my workout buddy
I am going to have to give some of these a go!!
Love tabata work outs! Great for getting your heart rate up and burning fat! Lookin forward to the squats!
Thanks for the awesome workout ideas!
I by far prefer workout like this compared to spending hours in the gym. The gifs were super helpful

Leg lifts!! Melissa reynolds!
Tabata workout is def a workout!
Curtesy Lunges would give the other one to my sister Helene Aitchison.
Fiona Webster would love to teach these exercises at our boot camp mornings that I and another 16 women do!
Heel lifts and leg raises….eek!! Amanda Nicholls of course
Sumo squats! They sound fun but look like they’ll hurt
Tabata is so awesome for making changes to your body
I would try the Heel Lifts and Leg Raises. Friend is Lyn
The pulse squats look like they’d be such a good workout to try – never done them before but definitely will now! Also, I’d give the $50 voucher to my best friend Savannah Cook – she’s my workout buddy too & always motivates me
Can’t wait to try this and get bootylicious!!
Definitely going to try the curtsey lunges – so good to mix things up!!! I’d give the other voucher to Ash
Doesn’t look toooooooo bad! Worth a try!
Booth blasting! Default in need of that.
Pulse Squats – Olivia Cain works out with me, so would be great to have a voucher each to put towards some new workout gear…..
i love squats!!!
Def gonna try these workouts….. they look amazing!!
TK Kennedy-Diack. We are on a 6 week challenge to Xmas, so will need a new workout wardrobe by then!!!
Loving the gifs and tabata workouts are awesome! I’ve been doing quite a few home workouts lately so I’ll definitely be trying out some of these exercises. Thanks! PS I’d give the voucher to my lovely sister Sophie who is about to have her first baby!
Cool. Have to try this.
Love Tabata! Arse kicking in no time!
The heel lifts look good, and effective
I’m certainly going to be trying those
The glute bridges my booty could sure do with some perking up! The friend I would share with is Leanne LeSuer
I’ve never tried curtesy lunges so would love to give them a go.
Aqua jogging is also good for the glutes.
Sumo squats
my friend is Chrissy Elliot we would love some new gears from rebel
I goona try out the Pulse Squats, haven’t tried before though I’m sure they will definitely make me sore lol. My friends name is Rachelle Smith
Never tried curtsey lunges so definately want to try them. This looks amazing for this busy mum!
Haven’t tried Curtsey Lunges so should try those. Would love to win a voucher for Kathryn Harrison.
I have tried all excercises and loved them all. The only excercise i would like to do again is heel lift as i couldnt even do 10. i got sore legs after doing only 5 lifts. If i win, i will share the voucher with my brother Tommy who has been pushing me to train hard since i started on my weight loss journey.
I love Tabata workouts!
will try this!
I would like to do the Pulse squats.. and I would give the voucher to my ataahua friend Amoa, because she is always inspiring and amazing!! <3
Pure motivation! My journey to health and fitness starts today!
Definitely need to do these
This is such a good workout – I’m so sore after doing it last night
Love the feeling!
!5 minute workout argggg lol. Tbanks for the chance to win..awesome
Killer booty workout. Won’t even feel butt the next day
Great lineup of exercises. Inspired
Mean workout for a mean booty!
Love sumo squats! and with weights theyre even better! My friend Melissa and i would love new gym gear from Rebel! I’ve lost 36Kgs and now everything is falling down or looks like a dress! The price of success haha (Harder when youre a student!)
Think I need some Glute Bridges in my life – love this blog post, so clear and easy to see how to do each exercise.
So gona try these workouts!! Wanna get a toned bum for summer
Curtsey lunges… feel the burn
great selection for Tabata!! Look good… Feel awesome

Because no one ever made a song about a small flat butt!
The only thing in this set that I haven’t tried is the Curtsey Lunges. I love tabata work outs and lost a lot of weight doing them at a Mum and bubs boot camp! I need to get back into it so I think
i’ll follow this routine for a few weeks! The kotex sport liners are my favorite! Super flexible.
Heel lifts look like they would really work, my friend i want to share the prize with is Leanne Le Sueur
Curtsey lunges! They look like they require a little bit of balance! And my workout buddy Kate would love a gift voucher
Curtesy lunges! They feel amazing and I would do them with my husband Dan Burrell instead of him sitting down watching TV while I’m working out!
I like the look of this workout I will try it
Would be awesome
The Leg Raises – I have a feeling they’d be good for my saddle bags too!
I know those pulse squats would be a good killer. I’m sure Samantha would agree
Tabata so hard but sooooo good!!
Heel Lifts because I know they’re so go for me. I’d give my friend Rhonda the other gift voucher
I will definitely try these exercises regardless of who is watching!
Thank you! It’s nice to do exercise for free! Love your tips
I love the pics to ensure i’m doing the exercises correctly. I definitely need to do the sumo squats and curtsey lunges – they look great. My twin sister could do with some new tights and socks – so I would shout her
This is so cool
Would love to see your other workouts
great videos – will be watching more of these. Super easy to do at home which means no excuses
Awesome I’m so trying this
These are super helpful!
Love to try the curtsy lunges looks so easy to do and I bet from there u can be inspired to add many more exercises to your daily work out
I’ve just had my first baby she is 3 and a half months old. This workout is great for me to so quickly at home. I love the sumo squats. My friends name is Bede.
Love tabata style workouts! I am a pt and this is how I train most of my clients. Thanks for sharing x
Great work outs thanks
Yay workout and new shoes got the kids! Win, win!
I love that I can do this at home with my baby’s
We need gym gear! We need to be wedding ready by March! !
This looks great!
I need this in my life!’
The workouts look amazing. Sumo squats & lunges are a must for a hot booty bod x
Gosh I so need this workout will try it out first thing tomorrow morning!
The curtsey lunges look like a exercise I’d give a go with my bestie/Wifey Ana.
The sumo squats look like the most fun to me
definitely going to give this work out a go! Would love to win a voucher for my friend Letitia and I too 
Glute bridges. I would love to win with my friend lori kimber
Wooooo! Could always have a better bum!
Tabatas!! Definitely adding to my legs/glute routine
Sumo squats! I enjoy squatting although I don’t do it as often as I should, so to find a new way of squatting is always great to mix up the workout, most definitely need a booty blasting work out for summer! These would all be great to do to tone the glutes, awesome workouts I’d do this with my sister Braxton Chang
Definitely trying these
Sumo squats! Hehe and it’s a funny name
I tagged Rebecca hill
I absolutely have to try this! Great workout!
Id love to try the heel raises! My friend Amanda Capel and i are starting to train to do round the bays (a first for us!) So some much needed help with gym gear would be an amazing prize
Love the curtsy lunges!!
deffinately giving this a go
Thanks for the motivation!!!! Fingers crossed for the rebel treats
Sumo squats look fun.. Joanne Gera
I need to work on my booty and some rebel sports gear will make me look good while I work out @olivia Jackson
I love this I’m going to try it in the morning. It’s always good to mix it up and this would be great to add to my at home morning workout! Thanks again for this. Will definitely be following your blogs.
Awesome! I’m gonna have to give this workout a go!
Looks like a great work out & very beneficial in long run too. Something you can also mix up and make your own by adding in a few extras. Just to keep it that more exciting & motivating. This would be so fab for another sports bra or two or even a pair of new sports tights for the gym. Thank you.
All the best to the rest of you. xx
Love flute bridges, works so many spots. My workout buddy is also my BFF, would share the rebel sports vouchers with her of course !!
Need to get motivated!
Such a great post, I love the gifs in particular! Will definitely have to pop over to the U by Kotex website and grab some samples, these will be great in summer when it’s doubly hot!