While I don’t think we should be as focused on the scales as our society seems to be, I completely understand that a lot of people are on a weight loss journey in order to improve their health and lifestyle.
Weight loss does not need to be difficult, you just need to choose some small changes which will work for you and your lifestyle and then STICK WITH THEM! This is where most people come unstuck, they do not see things through, they trial something for a few weeks – maybe even a month and then give up!
Think about how long it took you to put the weight on and then put that amount of time into getting it off – that is the key to getting it off and keeping it off! There are no quick fixes!
Here are 10 simple weight loss tips you can implement straight away! Chose a couple that will work for you and stick with them!
// Chew More
Have you ever counted the number of times you chew your food? Give it a try! Seriously, try and chew each mouthful at least 20 times and see how you go. Chewing your food more makes it easier for your body to digest, plus you feel fuller quicker.
// Don’t Skip Meals
Eat your three meals a day (if you need to have a snack then have one). Skipping meals often leads us to over indulge later in the day as our body is freaking out over not getting consistent nourishment.
// Move More
Take the elevator instead of the stairs, get off the bus or train a stop early or simply meet friends for a walking date as opposed to a coffee date. Small amounts of exercise add up over time.
// Don’t Food Shop when Hungry
It’s pretty basic, and it makes sense! Don’t go food shopping when you are hungry, you are way more likely to reach for ‘comfort’ foods as opposed to foods which nourish your body!
// Drink Water
Aim for at least 1.5-2 litres of water a day. Our body is made up of mostly water, and we need it to both survive and to thrive!
// Follow the 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule simply means that 80% of the time you will eat healthy and the other 20% of the time you may indulge in other less healthy options. This means that most of the time you are eating foods which nourish your body, but you don’t feel deprived of the less healthy options that we often crave.
// Share your weight loss goals
Sharing is caring, plus it makes you more accountable! If you’ve told a close friend, family member or even a personal trainer your goals – they are more likely to ask you how you are going and to give you a sideways glance if you try to get out of your exercise class, or reach for that second cookie. Telling someone else helps to make you more accountable for your actions.
// Drink Herbal Teas
While I don’t believe that drinking a certain tea will make you shed the pounds by itself, I do believe that incorporating herbal teas will help to keep you fuller without the extra calories of other drinks and this has to be a good thing!
// Lift Weights
I’ve said it many times before, but it bares repeating! Lifting weights will NOT make you bulky! Lifting weights will sculpt your body and give you that ‘toned’ look that most ladies are after!
// Use Smaller Plates
It’s a pretty easy thing to do, but it can completely trick our brains! Often we dish up way more food than we actually need and then we sit there and eat until it is all gone. Dish your food up on a smaller plate will make you feel as though you are eating more food and you will eat less calories.
What is your best simple tip for weight loss??