10 Fitness Quotes you need to know

I am a sucker for motivation quotes of all varieties! Today I have a post showcasing 10 fitness quotes you need to know. I’m sure you will have heard of some, if not all of them. However these 10 fitness quotes you need to know should be a good reminder of some of the things you should be thinking about on your health and fitness journey. 

10 Fitness Quotes you need to know

These 10 fitness quotes you need to know are in no particular order and I hope you will be able to see some of the quotes for what they are; tidbits of advice and motivation to help you on your health and fitness journey. 

Just like there is no one size fits all approach to health and fitness, some of these quotes will ring true for you and some of them you may not mesh with and that’s fine! 

10 Fitness Quotes you need to know 6

// The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do
Sometimes you will not feel like working out when you are supposed to. Instead of thinking about the workout you have ahead of you, think about how you feel after the workout. Keep this in mind when you are struggling with the workout as well. Sometimes you will have ‘off’ days, it happens to everyone and it sucks. But hey, you showed up and did the best you could on the day! 

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

// Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going. 
It may seem daunting to begin with but all you need to do is find your why. Why is it that you want to get in shape? Do you want to loose weight, fit into your old jeans or be able to lift your bodyweight? It doesn’t matter why so long as it is important to YOU! If you can keep your reason why in the back of your mind it will help with the motivation and once you’ve been doing it for a while it will become a habit.

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

// Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it. 
This can be a tough one to learn, especially for us females. If the only reason you are working out is because you are not happy with your body you are not likely to stick with it for the long term. Think of all the amazing things your body can do and workout to improve that. See how incredible your body really is and workout because you love your body, and well it’s with you for life 😉

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

//Be stronger than your excuses  
Excuses have been around forever and are only getting more and more common as we lead busier lives. Be stronger than your excuses and recognise them for what they are – excuses! We all have the same number of hours in one day, only YOU can choose how you use them.

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

// Your body is a result of the choices you make
This one may seem a little harsh but it is true. When you stop taking care of your body you notice the difference. Make good choices and see the difference in your body, make ‘bad’ choices and see how you feel. I always notice I feel crap in my body when I haven’t been taking care of it as well as I should have. 

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

// A year from now you’ll wish you started today
This is true for pretty much everything and not just your health and fitness. If one year ago you made a few small changes to your lifestyle, just imagine the difference it would have made over a whole year! Little things all add up! 

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

//Excuses don’t burn calories
You can make as many excuses as you want, but excuses will not make a difference to your health and fitness. Instead of making excuses, find a way to make things work. Can’t afford a gym membership? There are plenty of free workouts online you can do in your home. Have an injury? Work your other muscles or head to the swimming pools where you can get a workout in without putting as much stress on your body. Strapped for time? You can get a freaken good workout done pretty quickly, try a tabata workout – only 4 minutes and if you are working as hard as you should be, it should be the longest 4 minutes of your life! 

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

// It never gets easier, you just get stronger
This one may seem a bit contradictory as things do seem easier when you’ve been doing them for a while. However it isn’t the exercise which has gotten easier, it is the fact that your body has adapted too the exercise and you are now stronger and find the exercise easier. When you find things are becoming too easy, add more weight or repetitions to challenge yourself. Our body likes to be challenged. 

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

// Don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to the person you were yesterday
I really struggled with this one when I first started lifting. I would compare myself with other girls in the gym and wonder why I couldn’t leg press as much as them etc. I then realised comparing myself to others was doing no good as it wasn’t a fair comparison. We were not the same person so there really was no way to compare. Someone who is heavier than me should theoretically be able to leg press more, someone with more experience also could do more. We have no way of knowing the other persons history (nor should we care too), so it’s more realistic (and better for you!), to simply compare yourself to the person you were yesterday, last week or the year before. 

10 Fitness quotes you need to know

// The best project you will ever work on is YOU! 
You will never regret making time for your health and fitness. Throw aside whatever excuses you have floating around your head and work on the most important project of all, YOU! You only live this life once so make sure it’s a good one and you’re around long enough to enjoy it. Eat well most of the time and exercise consistently, find an exercise you enjoy and do it. And sometimes you just need to eat the damn cake and enjoy life as well. Find the balance in your life and enjoy the ride! 

Do you enjoy reading quotes like these 10 fitness quotes you need to know??? – Comment below and let me know 🙂